kuringo's Blog



2019年05月19日 16時55分04秒 | 日記


work one's butt off :〈米俗・卑〉がむしゃらに働く
second cousin :またいとこ、はとこ
It's time for a rethink. :考え直す時期です
designated driver :仲間で出掛ける時などに飲酒をせずに運転手の役目をする人
in the first place :そもそも
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Daily Routine

2019年05月19日 12時20分42秒 | 日記
Push-ups :0 times
Walking : 45 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I have succeeded in preventing myself from smoking for eight years
and one hundred and sixty-one days in a row.

I resumed standing-on-one-foot from 10 minutes each last night
simply because the pain in my low back had almost completely gone.
I must have been very lucky since the low back pain was a minor injury.
I would really like to resume push-ups and jogging-on-the-spot as soon
as possible as I see how the condition of my low back is going.
But I have to renew my awareness that carelessness is the greatest enemy.
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