kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2013年07月31日 12時15分29秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 15+15 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10+10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :7+7+7 minutes

I could keep no-smoking for two years and 235 days in a row.
I also could keep 15+15-time push-ups for the fourth straight day and over 8+8-time
push-ups for the thirty-third consecutive day.
I don't know exactly, but I felt a little fatigue just after I woke up this morning.
I think I could have a rather sound sleep....is this also due to summer heat?
Reports say this morning that lotus flowers in Aisai City in Aichi Prefecture are about
to be at their best.
I hope to go and enjoy them, but actually the scorching heat is preventing me from doing so.
Anyway I'm wondering if I should check this online.
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Daily Routine

2013年07月30日 12時13分02秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 15+15 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10+10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :7+7+7 minutes

It has been two years and 234 days in a row snince I kicked smoking.
I kept more than 8+8-time push-ups for the thirty-second consecutive day and 15+15-time
push-ups for the third straight day.
I tried increasing the length of jogging-on-the-spot by one minute each to a total of
twenty-one minutes, and I hope to continue this level for several days.
After a long period of rain, it's got again deadly hot with the scorching sunlight.
I've felt a thirst many times since this morning, so I really have to careful not to
become dehydrated.
According to weather reports, there will be no precipitation in Nagoya for the next
week, so again, let's survive this summer....at least this week.
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2013年07月29日 19時28分37秒 | 日記


all but :ほとんど、~も同然、~を除く他は皆、~を除く全部、~以外のすべて
praiseworthy :称賛に値した、称賛に値する
unstintingly :無条件で
domestic partner :現地国パートナー、同棲パートナー、家庭内パートナー
priesthood :司祭職
active duty :現役の任務◆【略】AD
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Daily Routine

2013年07月29日 12時52分13秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 15+15 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10+10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :6+6+6 minutes

I could keep no-smoking for two years and 233 days in a row.
I also could keep 15+15-time push-ups for the second consecutive day and over 8+8-time
push-ups for the thirty-fist straight day.
It's been raining since last night and the highest temperature will be below 30 degrees
for the first time in a very long time, which makes me feel a little relieved.
Today I went to see a doctor for athlete's foot.
And I remember I went there this time last year.
I'm wondering if athlete's foot will be cured completely.
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Daily Routine

2013年07月28日 11時31分45秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 15+15 times
Walking: 10+10 minutes
Standing with one leg :41 minutes each
jogging on the spot :6+6+6 minutes

Two years and 232 days in a row have passed since I gave up smoking.
I tried increasing the number of push-ups by only one time each to a total of 30 times
and kept over 8+8-time push-ups for the thirtieth straight day.
I also tried increasing the length of jogging-on-the-spot by just one minute each
to a total of 18 muintes, and I hope to continute this for a few days.
Well, am I the only person who has noticed that the sun is going down little by little?
During midsummer days, the sunlight never comes into my work place through the windows
in the morning, but recently even in the morning, it apparantly comes a little.
Autumn is surely and steadily coming little by little.
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2013年07月27日 14時09分58秒 | 日記


on the one hand :一方では
castigate :厳しく非難する、厳しく罰する、酷評する、折檻する、添削する
make all the difference :大違いである、状況を一変させる、
adamant :断固とした、断固たる、一徹な、頑強に主張する、譲らない、頑固な、堅固
epitomize :~を縮図的に表す[表現する・示す]、~の抜粋[概略]を作る
cub :幼い子供、新米、未熟な若者、幼獣、小熊
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Daily Routine

2013年07月27日 11時39分57秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 14+14 times
Walking: 10+10 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :5+5+5 minutes

It has been two years and 231 days in a row since I quit smoking.
I could keep 14+14-time push-ups for the five consecutive day and over 8+8-time push-
ups for the twenty-ninth straight day.
Actually again,I was caught in a heavy shower at around three p.m. yesterday in Nagoya.
Although I had an umbrella, my backpack and lower part of my body got rather drentched.
Thinking back to around two thirty p.m. yesterday, indeed the western sky was actually
really getting darker and darker.
I should not have gone out, so this should be a good lesson for me.
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Daily Routine

2013年07月26日 11時55分15秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 14+14 times
Walking: 20+21 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :5+5+5 minutes

I kept no-smoking for two years and 230 days in a row.
I also kept over 8+8-time push-ups for the twenty-eighth straight day including four
consecutive days of 14+14-time push-ups.
I tried increasing the length of jogging-on-the-spot by only one minute each to a total
of fifteen minutes and I hope to continue this for some days.
Actually I was caught in a shower last night on my way back to my home while riding a bike.
Very unfortunately, I didn't have a pair of capa so I got rather wet.
According to weather forecasts, it might be rainy at about nine this evening, so today
I've brought a pair of capa.....but I really hope it'll not rain.
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2013年07月25日 16時43分49秒 | 日記


electronically :電子的に、コンピュータを用いて、コンピュータ上に
searchable :サーチ可能な、検索可能な
draw forth :引き出す、引き抜く、誘い出す
feel free to :遠慮なく~する、自由に~する、気楽に~する、気兼ねせずに~する
herein :ここに、この中に、この点で、これを考慮すると
supersede :~に取って代わる、~の後任となる、~を入れ替える
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Daily Routine

2013年07月25日 11時59分35秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 14+14 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :4+4+4 minutes

I could keep no-smoking for two years and 229 days in a row.
I also kept 14+14-time push-ups for the third straight day and over 8+8-time push-ups
for the twenty-seventh consecutive day.
I tried resuming jogging-on-the-spot from a total of 12 minutes at my work place
although I'm not sure I will be able to continue it.
After a little warm rain, it's again greatly and deadly sunny today with the predicted
highest temperature of about 35 degrees.
Actually I've felt this summer is much longer than usual maybe because the summer heat
in early July was so severe like typical days of late July.
So, I feel as if now were in early August.^^;;;
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