kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2019年11月30日 12時08分05秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :a total of 105 minutes
Standing on one foot :11 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :21 minutes

I have succeeded in preventing myself from smoking for eight years and
three hundred and fifty-six days in a row.
I was able to keep over 11-time push-ups for the forty-eighth straight
day including the most recent thirty-three days of 23-time push-ups.

It is clearly sunny in Nagoya, but because of radiative cooling on a
sunny day, it is very cold with today's lowest temperature of 3.2 degrees,
which marked a new record of the lowest temperature of this winter season.
I have brought one more item of winter jacket just in case.
By the way, today again, those callous people put 11 18-liter square cans
of cooking oil on the common parking space to block my bike.
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Daily Routine

2019年11月29日 11時14分26秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :a total of 65 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :21 minutes

I have been able to do without smoking for eight years and three hundred
and fifty-five days in a row.
I was able to keep 23-time push-ups for the thirty-second consecutive day
and more than 11-time push-ups for the forty-seventh successive day.

It is greatly and beautifully sunny today in Nagoya and there were almost
no clouds in the blue skies while riding my bike on my way to the workplace.
I tried gettin up 10 minutes earlier than usual this morning.
I felt it was the coldest mornig and in fact, according to the Meteorological
Agency, the lowest temperature in Nagoya was as low as 4.6 degrees.
I remember, one of the best ways to fight against winter cold is to think
about next year's cherry blossoms.
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Daily Routine

2019年11月28日 11時48分44秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :a total of 105 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep smoke-free for eight years and three hundred and
fifty-four days in a row.
I was also able to keep 23-time push-ups for the forty-seventh successive
day including the most recent thirty-one days of 23 times of them.

It has been quite cloudy today again in Nagoya since early this morning
although I was able to see lightly-snowcapped Ontake far in the distance
from a bridge on my way to the workplace.
Now it has become rather dark and I have turned on the light in my office.
I'm sure this year's winter cold has begun today.
I have to continue to keep my guard up for a few months from now in order
not to catch a cold.
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2019年11月27日 19時35分31秒 | 日記


mammalian :哺乳類の動物、《動物》哺乳類の
primate :霊長類、霊長目の動物
Carnivora :食肉目、食肉類、肉食動物
ungulate :有蹄動物
curation :キュレーション◆人力で情報を収集、整理、要約、公開(共有)すること。
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Daily Routine

2019年11月27日 11時16分42秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :21 minutes

I have been able to be a non-smoker for eith years and three hundred
and fifty-three days in a row.
I was able to keep greater than 11-time push-ups for the forty-fifth
successive day including the latest thirty days of 23-time push-ups.

It has been quite cloudy since early this morning in Nagoya.
It is a little dark and it looks like it is going to start raining
although weather ladies say it might rain partly.
I have had a little trouble with the Broad WimMax website and I cannot
log in despite entering correct ID and Pass Word which are printed
on my contract sent by Broad WiMax.....I don't think it is my fault.
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Daily Routine

2019年11月26日 11時51分00秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :21 minutes

It has been eight years and three hundred and fifty-two days in a row
since I got rid of my smoking habit.
I was able to keep 23-time push-ups for the twenty-ninth straight day
and at least 12-time push-ups for the forty-fourth consecutive day.

It has been quite cloudy in Nagoya and it looks like it is going to
start raining pretty soon.
I feel it is a little too cold with the predicted highest temperature of
15 degrees although I have worn one more item of clothing than usual.
Anyway, this year's winter cold is just around the corner and I'll have
to get mentally prepared in order to survive this winter.
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Daily Routine

2019年11月25日 11時38分40秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :a total of 90 minutes
Standing on one foot :11 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :21 minutes

Eight years and three hundred and fifty-one days in row have passed
since I broke my smoking habit.
I was able to keep over 11-time push-ups for the forty-third successive
day including the most recent twenty-eight days of 23-time push-ups.

It was sunny in the morning while I was riding my bike on my way to the
workplace, but now it has got pretty cloudy in Nagoya.
I felt it was really warm just after I got up and I felt it was humid
on the way to work to the extent that I felt a little sweaty.
Anyway, in any weather, the one thing that has never changed is that
there are so many dangerous drivers in Nagoya who never pay attention to
the pedestrians' and bikers' right to life.
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Daily Routine

2019年11月24日 11時54分40秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :45 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :20 minutes

I have succeeded in preventing myself from smoking for eight years and
three hundred and fifty days in a row.
I was able to keep 23-time push-ups for the twenty-seventh straight day
and more than 11-time push-ups for the forty-second consecutive day.

It is greatly sunny in Naogya though it was just a little raining in the
early morning period.
Actually, I felt much warmer than usual while rding my bike on my way to
the workplace today again.
I am sure that it was a little humid, and this humidity made me feel warmer.
By the way, South Korea decided not to scrap GSOMIA with Japan.
I guess that if Seoul had scrapped it, it should have got more difficult problems.
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Daily Routine

2019年11月23日 11時30分21秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :a total of 30 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :21 minutes

I have been able to do without smoking for eight years and three hundred
and forty-nine days in a row.
I was able to keep greater than 11-time push-ups for the forty-first
successive day including the latest twenty-six days of 23 times of them.

It is greatly sunny in Nagoya and I felt a little warmer than usual
while riding my bike on my way to the workplace.
Very happily, weather ladies say that Nagoyan people will see three
consecutive days, including today, with the highest temperature of at
least 20 degrees.
But I must not forget that this year's winter cold is steadily approaching.
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2019年11月22日 19時44分03秒 | 日記


substantial :がっしりした、頑丈な
pretty much :まさに、ほとんど、大体
ground oneself :地に足を付ける
overhang :オーバーハング、突き出た部分、突出(部)、張り出し
to the touch :触ってみると、手触りが~
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