kuringo's Blog



2019年10月31日 15時28分04秒 | 日記


sarcasm :嫌み、嘲り、当てこすり、皮肉
assure :〔人に〕~であると断言する
come rain or shine :降っても照っても、どんなことがあっても、何が起こっても
relapse :《医》〔病気の急な〕ぶり返し、再発
in one form or another :あれやこれやの、どのような形にせよ
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Daily Routine

2019年10月31日 12時31分06秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :a total of 80 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :20 minutes

I was able to keep smoke-free for eight years and three hunddred and
twenty-six days in a row.
I was also able to keep 23-time push-ups for the third straight day
and more than 11-time push-ups for the eighteenth consecutive day.

It is greatly sunny in Nagoya today again and it is crisp with low humidity.
I did a total of 80-minute walking yesterday for the first time in a week
from my workplace to Sasashima Global Gate to Sakae, and I also did practice
of English at one of the Doutor Coffee chain tearooms.
I really want to go somewhere on such a nice day, but the first thing I have
to do is to do my best in today's work.
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Daily Routine

2019年10月30日 11時44分38秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I have been able to be a non-smoker for eight years and three hundred
and twenty-five days in a row.
I was able to keep greater than 11-time push-ups for the seventeeth
successive day including the latest two days of 23-time push-ups.

It is greatly, beautifully sunny in Nagoya and there were no clouds in
the blue skies while I was riding my bike on my way to the workplace.
The highest temperature is forecasted to be 22 degrees with low humidity,
which is absolutely autumnal and crisp.
I would like to enjoy walking a little around here today.
I wish such a nice day would continue for many days.
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Daily Routine

2019年10月29日 10時56分50秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :20 minutes

It has been eight years and three hundred and twenty-four days in a row
since I decided against smoking.
I was able to increase the number of push-ups by only one time to 22 times,
and kept at least 12-time push-ups for the sixteenth consecutive day.

It has been raining in Nagoya since early this morning and I feel it is
just a little cold and it is very dark.
Weather ladies say it will stop raining in the evening in Nagoya and
I really want to say this weather forecast has to be right.
Anyway, I may have to start getting mentally prepared for the fact
that this year's winter is steadily coming little by little.
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Daily Routine

2019年10月28日 11時13分32秒 | 日記
Push-ups :22 times
Walking :a total of 75 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :20 minutes

Eight years and three hundred and twenty-three days in a row have passed
since I broke my bad habit of smoking.
I was able to keep 22-time push-ups for the fifth successive day and over
11-time push-ups for the fifteenth straight day.

It is greatly sunny in Nagoya and there were almost no clouds in the blue
sky while I was riding my bike on my way to the workplace in the morning.
It is crisp with little winds and it must be really autumnal.
I would like to do a walking on such a nice day, but actually, today will
be the busiest of the year for me.....I really wish I had off today.
OK, I'll work hard today.
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2019年10月27日 16時36分36秒 | 日記


salmon roe :イクラ、スジコ
sea urchin :《動物》ウニ
urchin :〈古〉《動物》ハリネズミ
medium tuna :中とろ
fatty tuna :大トロ、マグロの脂身、トロ
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Daily Routine

2019年10月27日 11時44分30秒 | 日記
Push-ups :22 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :21 minutes

I have succeeded in preventing myself from smoking for eight years and
three hundred and twenty-two days in a row.
I was able to keep more than 11-time push-ups for the fourteenth consecutive
day including the most recent four days of 22-time push-ups.

It is sunny in Nagoya today again with the predicted highest temperature
of 24 degrees, which I feel is not too hot.
This morning, I started wearing one more item of clothing while riding my
bike on my way to the work place because I began feeling it's a little cold.
Somehow, I have been feeling mentally tired a little these days, so
I would like to go somewhere for a change....Where should I go?
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Daily Routine

2019年10月26日 11時17分07秒 | 日記
Push-ups :22 times
Walking :a total of 30 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I have been able to do without smoking for eight years and three hundred
and twenty-one days in a row.
I was able to keep 22-time push-ups for the third consecutive day and
greater than 11-time push-ups for the thirteenth successive day.

Althoug I could enjoy plenty of sunlight in the morning, now it is normally
sunny in Nagoya and sometimes cloudy.
By the way, am I the only one person who feels that we have, so far, had
much more rain this year than usual?
Especially, this year's October has had profusely much rain, hasn't it?
Anyway, I need much more sunlight and autumnal weather.
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Daily Routine

2019年10月25日 11時12分22秒 | 日記
Push-ups :22 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :20 minutes

I was able to keep smoke-free for eight years and three hundred and
twenty days in a row.
I was also able to keep at least 12-time push-ups for the twelfth
successive day including the latest two days of 22-time push-ups.

It has been raining, sometimes heavily, since last night in Nagoya
and now it is pretty heavily raining and it is dark and a little cold.
I really want to believe weather forecasts that it will stop raining
in the evening in Nagoya.
I've noticed that my neck is getting stiff.
The pain is getting stronger and stronger....
I'm afraid that the cause might be my increased age.
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Daily Routine

2019年10月24日 11時27分06秒 | 日記
Push-ups :22 times
Walking :a total of 80 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I have been able to be a non-smoker for eitht years and three hundred
and nineteen days in a row.
I tried increasing the number of push-ups yesterday again by only one time
to 22 times and kept over 11-time push-ups for the eleventh consecutive day.

After a little heavy rain last night, it is now quite cloudy in Nagoya.
It looks like it is going to start raining pretty soon although weather
reports say it will continue to be cloudy until nine p.m.
If possible, I would like to visit Otsuka International Museum in Tokushima
prefecture and Aizu Wakamatsu Castle or Tsuruga Castle famous for Byakkotai.
I hope to go there at least one time before I die.......if possible.
Actually, very luckily, holding a dream is free of charge.
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