kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2017年08月31日 12時17分25秒 | 日記
Push-ups :27 times
Walking :50+8=58 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I have a tight schedule today, so I have little time to be here.
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2017年08月30日 16時57分36秒 | 日記


be no better than a placebo :気休めの薬にすぎない
undertaking :〔引き受けた〕仕事、事業
real money :〈米話〉大金
short for :《be ~》~の省略である
take along :~を持って行く、携帯する、道連れにする、連れていく、連れてくる
owing to bad health :体調不良のせいで

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Daily Routine

2017年08月30日 12時26分11秒 | 日記
Push-ups :27 times
Walking :a total of 30 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I have been able to do withoug smoking for six years and two hundred and sixty-four days in a row.
I was able to keep at least 16-time push-ups for the two hundred and eleventh
straight day including the latest fifteen days of 27-time push-ups.

It's still hot and so humid that I almost feel sick.
Weather reports say the highest temperature of 34 degrees will continue tomorrow,
but actually such a scorching day will be the last tomorrow.
And they say the lowest tempertures will be lowered below 23 degrees.
I really hope the forecasts should come true.
How many times have I said this....let's survive.^^;;;
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2017年08月29日 19時22分12秒 | 日記


keep under wraps :~を秘密にしておく
brag about :~を自慢する、~を誇示する
through to the end of the year :年末まで(ずっと)
What counts most is :一番大事[大切]なのは~です。
The thing is SV :要はSV
hold down :〔職に〕就いている
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Daily Routine

2017年08月29日 12時45分44秒 | 日記
Push-ups :27 times
Walking :78 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for six years and two hundred and sixty-three days in a row.
I was also able to keep 27-time push-ups for the fourteenth consecutive day and
over 15-time push-ups for the two hundredand tenth successive day.

Though it is still hot, surely the sunlight is shining from lower and lower angles.
The length of daytime is steadlily shorter and shorter.
Now I feel a little relaxed because I'm highly likely to survive this summer heat.
Well, I may have to look forward to doing walking in this fall.
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2017年08月28日 18時17分45秒 | 日記


can't place :思い出せない
gift certificate :〈米〉商品券◆【同】〈英〉gift token
throw the book at :~を厳しく罰する
in a bit :すぐに
over one's head :〔難し過ぎて〕理解できない、分からない、歯が立たない
yips :《the ~》〔スポーツ選手が〕極度に緊張した状態◆主にゴルフやクリケットで用いられる。
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Daily Routine

2017年08月28日 12時26分19秒 | 日記
Push-ups :27 times
Walking :a total of 80 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

It has been six years and two hundred and sixty-two days in a row since I broke free from cigarettes.
I was able to keep more than 15-time push-ups for the two hundred and ninth
straight day including the most recent thirteen days of 27 times of them.

Very small rice ears like powders in many rice paddies on my way to the
workplace have emerged and some are growing larger and larger.
If I remeber right, the havest season begins in late September in Gifu
prefecture while in mid Octorber in Aich prefecture.
I have a little interest in how rice ears are growing in Gifu now.
I'm wondering if they are much bigger than those of Aichi.
Anyway, the fall of 2017 must be just around the corner.
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Daily Routine

2017年08月27日 12時12分32秒 | 日記
Push-ups :27 times
Walking :63 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I'm very much afraid that I don't have enough time to be here today.
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2017年08月26日 19時41分29秒 | 日記


harbinger :先駆者、先発者、前触れ、前兆
untick :〈俗〉《コ》〔チェックボックス・メニューなどの〕チェックを外す
big time :〈話〉全くひどく、極めて、完全に、すごく、非常に、とても、大いに
given the time of year :この時期ともなると、時期が時期だから
hit the roof :激怒する、カンカンに怒る[なる]、急に怒りだす、頭にくる、カッとなる
Heads will roll for :~の件で厳しい処罰があるだろう
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Daily Routine

2017年08月26日 12時14分45秒 | 日記
Push-ups :27 times
Walking :a total of 60 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

Six years and two hundred and sixty days in a row have passed since I gave up smoking.
I was able to keep 27-time push-ups for the eleventh consecutive day and at least
16-time push-ups for the two hundred and eighth successive day.

It's still hot in Nagoya but actually I felt the humidity has begun getting a little
milder while I was riding my bike on my way to the workplace.
Some rice ears in rice paddies are steadily growing and others are not.
But the season for harvesting is drawing nearer and nearer.
I'm sure I have to start planning to do this fall's walking.
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