kuringo's Blog



2012年11月30日 16時46分55秒 | 日記


co-sponsor :共同提案する
statehood :国家であること、国家の地位、州であること、州の地位
namely :すなわち、はっきり言うと
tie one's own hands :自らの手を縛る
in good faith :誠意を持って、誠実に、善意で、信用して
in a positive way :積極的に、実践的に
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Daily Routine

2012年11月30日 12時28分14秒 | 日記
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :9 minutes each

Although I really needed a very strong will, I managed to resume push-ups from 25 times,
down as many as five times from the previous record.
I could keep no-smoking for one year and 358 days in a row.
It's greatly sunny today for the first time in a very long time.
I feel relieved when the highest temperature over 12 degrees with sunshine.
Anyway according to weahter reports it will get much colder tomorrow and the day after
tomorrow the lowest temperature will be about only one degree.
So, I'll really have to beware of a cold.
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2012年11月29日 17時12分20秒 | 日記


top left point :左上点
legitimize :合法化する、適法とする、正当化する
excessive :度を超えた、過度の、過剰な、過大な、過多な、必要以上の、行き過ぎた
depict :描く、描写する
retaliatory move against :~への報復措置
downplay :~を見くびる、重要視しない、軽視する、控え目に語る、小ばかにする
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Daily Routine

2012年11月29日 12時02分15秒 | 日記
Walking: 50 minutes
Standing with one leg :9 minutes each

I didn't do push-ups yesterday for the second straight day due mainly to the wintry cold.
The cold makes me feel it too hard to do push-ups, so I need a very strong will to do them.
I kept no-smoking for one year and 357 days in a row.
I asked a store where I usually buy something not to send a FAX to me, but actually it did.
I asked it to delete my FAX number and instead I wrote down my e-mail address.
But they did nothing.
I really want the store to handle my personal information with more caution.
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Daily Routine

2012年11月28日 12時20分39秒 | 日記
Walking: 50 minutes
Standing with one leg :0 minutes each

Actually Because I felt I might have had a cold yesterday, I didn't feel like doing any
physical exercises and I took some medicine.
I could keep no-smoking for one year and 356 days in a row.
I began wearing a kind of rubber ring which works very well against static electricity.
Anway the end of this year is surely coming and I'll really have to be careful not to
be involved in any traffic accidents....of course not to cause any traffic accidents.
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Daily Routine

2012年11月27日 12時23分37秒 | 日記
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :9 minutes each

I decreased the number of push-ups by as many as three times to 30 times yesterday, and
kept over-30-time push-ups for the second sraight day.
I also could keep no-smoking for one year and 355 days in a row.
I tried wearing the Uniqlo's Heat Tech tights for two days in a row, but actually and
honestly I had felt so cold in the tights.
So, today I've begun wearing Breath Thermo tights produced by Mizuno and I really feel
it works very well...I mean it surely makes my legs warm.
Anyway I must complain that this November is abnormally cold...I've got a sore throat.
I really have to be careful not to catch a cold.
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2012年11月26日 18時01分53秒 | 日記


rile :苛立たせる、怒らせる◆【同】irritate
dashed line :点線、破線、一点鎖線、断続線
brazen :ずうずうしい[恥知らずな・厚かましい]あばずれ女
turn the screws :圧迫を一層加える
spat :些細な喧嘩、ちょっとした喧嘩
wade into :~に決然と取りかかる、~に加わる、~に猛然と取りかかる、猛攻する、干渉する、精力的に着手する
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Daily Routine

2012年11月26日 12時34分27秒 | 日記
Walking: 67minutes
Standing with one leg :9 minutes each

I needed a very strong will to do push-ups yesterday, but I managed to resume push-ups
from 33 times, down one time from the previous record.
I also kept no-smoking for one year and 354 days in a row.
It's been raining in Nagoya since this morning and it's a cold rain, so I had to take a
bus to come to the work place.
I'm afraid that the amount of sake I drink before sleep has recently increased maybe due
to wintry cold and hope to reduce a little.
Anyway this year's November is colder than usual...it's December-like cold.
I'm afraid that I will feel this winter season is much longer than usual.
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2012年11月25日 17時48分05秒 | 日記


maladministration :悪政、失政
call off :(計画・予定)を中止する、やめる、取り消す、(取引などを)断る
dampen :くじく、くじけさせる、(気持ちを)削ぐ、湿らせる、鈍らせる
inhalation :吸入、吸息
vote buying :票の買収、買票
amnesty :恩赦、大赦、特赦
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Daily Routine

2012年11月25日 12時15分35秒 | 日記
Walking: 67minutes
Standing with one leg :9 minutes each

I really didn't feel like doing push-ups yesterday...maybe due to the wintry cold.
I kept no-smoking for one year and 353 days in a row.
It's very greatly sunny today and there are few clouds in the sky.
I could see a high mountain covered with snow on my way to the work place.
The mountain is only seen during winter sunny days....maybe...I have never noticed the
existence of the mountain during summer seasons.
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