kuringo's Blog



2014年08月31日 15時19分50秒 | 日記


sparky :活発な
galactic :《天文》銀河(系)の[に関する]
behemoth :《聖書》ビヒモス◆聖書「ヨブ記」に登場するカバに似た巨獣。
core formation :コア形成
infrared telescope :赤外(線)望遠鏡
play hot potato with :〔厄介な事柄・責任など〕を押し付け合う
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Daily Routine

2014年08月31日 11時48分44秒 | 日記
Push-ups:25 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

Three years and 316 days in a row have passed since I gave up smoking.
I was able to keep 25-time push-ups for the sixth successive day and over
19-time push-ups for the 22nd straight day.
It's sunny in Nagoya and not so hot ...I mean it's actually comfortable
due maily to low humidity.
Now I'm using an electric fan but sometimes I feel like stopping it, which
means apparently this year's summer heat is about to disappear.
Autumnal weather might have begun....anyway, it's very nice that certified
weather forecaster Mamiko Okamura has come back on a certain NHK TV program.
.....Am I the only one who feels she has become more beautiful?^^;;;
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Daily Routine

2014年08月30日 12時20分50秒 | 日記
Push-ups:25 times
Walking: 40 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for three years and 315 days in a row.
I also kept more than 19-time push-ups for the 21st consecutive day including
the most recent five days of 25-time push-ups.
Actually, it's greatly sunny today in Nagoya for the first time in a very
long time, I feel.
The highest temperature may reach 30 degrees and it's a little hot, but
it's autumn-like because of low humidity.
Well, I have to get prepared for enjoying autumnal weather.
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Daily Routine

2014年08月29日 12時30分03秒 | 日記
Push-ups:25 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

It has been three years and 314 days in a row since I quit smoking.
I was able to keep 25-time push-ups for the fourth successive day and over
20-time push-ups for the twentieth straight day.
It's cloudy and sometimes sunny with the predicted temperature of 29 degrees,
which is actually unlike August.
I've come to a sudden realization that buzzing of cicadas has completely gone.
Autumn is sure to be on us.
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2014年08月28日 15時25分25秒 | 日記


cross-check :〔情報などの〕照合
condolence :(お)悔やみ、哀悼(の言葉)、弔辞
sympathy :悔やみ、弔慰◆通例sympathies
make all-out endeavors to :~するための全面的な努力を行う
brief :~の要点を伝える[教える・かいつまんで話す]、~の概要を伝える、~を手短に説明する
twister :〈米〉竜巻
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Daily Routine

2014年08月28日 12時34分33秒 | 日記
Push-ups:25 times
Walking: 41 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

Three years and 313 days in a row have passed since I stopped smoking.
I was able to keep over 20-time push-ups for the nineteenth consecutive day
including the last three days of 25-time push-ups.
Yesterday, to my little surprise, the number of passage increased.
Especially last night during sleep hours, I went to the toilet four times.
Maybe, this is one of the signs of the changing seasons.
Well, I have no clear reason, but I'm sure this is not micturition.
Never ever................I wish.
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2014年08月27日 15時33分01秒 | 日記


floodlight :投光照明(器具)
boulder :〔丸い〕大きな石
heavy machinery=heavy equipment :重機
cardiac :心臓病患者、強心剤
help out :〔困ったときに人を〕助ける、援助する
precipitously :急激に、大慌てで、あっという間に
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Daily Routine

2014年08月27日 12時05分50秒 | 日記
Push-ups:25 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for three years and 312 days in a row.
I also managed to keep 25-time push-ups for the second successive day
and over 20-time push-ups for the eighteenth straight day.
After a sudden rain yesterday, it's been cloudy in Nagoya and it's not
so hot or much milder for August than usual.
Summer vacation for students is going to end soon and autumnal weather
is sure to come soon.
I'll have to start planning to do a middle-distance walking in fall.
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Daily Routine

2014年08月26日 12時35分34秒 | 日記
Push-ups:25 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

It has been three years and 311 days in a row since I kicked smoking.
I really managed to take the courage to try increasing the number of
push-ups by one time to 25 times, and kept over 20-time push-ups for
the seventeenth consecutive day.
After a little hard rain, it's got clear in Nagoya now with temperatures
of around 29 degrees.
Autumn is sure to be just around the corner.
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2014年08月25日 14時18分13秒 | 日記


starting tomorrow :明日から
play into the hands of :(人)の術中に陥る、(人)につけ込まれる、(人)の思うつぼにはまる
collective punishment :集団の処罰
precipitate :〔予定より早く急に~を〕引き起こす、促進する
likely :もっともらしい、ありそうな
slaying :殺人◆主に新聞で用いられる
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