kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2013年12月31日 12時07分09秒 | 日記
Push-ups:14 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :10 minutes

It has been three years and twenty-three days in a row since I quit smoking.
I did one set of fourteen-time push-ups and kept over one set of ten-time push-ups
for the fourteenth successive day.
I feel the wintry cold today is much milder than yesterday although it's indeed cold.
If I remember right, this time of year had been very cold the past several years.
Weather forecasts say the highest temperature of tomorrow will be 11 degrees in Nagoya
and 14 degrees in Tokyo.....Unbelievable.
I really hope the weather prediction will be right.
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Daily Routine

2013年12月30日 14時21分22秒 | 日記
Push-ups:14 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :10 minutes

Three years and twenty-two days in a row have passed since I stopped smoking.
I kept one set of fourteen-time push-ups for the third straight day and over ten-
time push-ups for the thirteenth consecutive day.
Actually it's so cold this morning with the lowest temperature of minus one degree.
I know that people in the Sea of Japan regions say minus one degree is nothing,
but actually it's deadly cold for me.....honestly not deadly but severely.^^;
Anyway I would like to spend my second holiday of six consecutive holidays learning
more about how to use Outlook.
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2013年12月30日 14時19分39秒 | 日記


enrollee :〔保険などの〕入会者
glimmer of hope :かすかな望み、希望の兆し
glitch :問題、故障、誤作動、異常、技術的なミス、不調
rollout :〔新しい作品・商品・サービスなどの〕初公開、発表会
screw up :〔計画などを〕めちゃめちゃにする、台無しにする、大失敗する
remain to be seen :今後の課題である、現時点では[今のところ]不明である[まだ分からない]
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2013年12月29日 14時19分01秒 | 日記


implicate :〔人を犯罪などに〕巻き込む、関与[関係]させる
provincial legislators in Quebec :ケベック州の州議会議員◆ケベックはカナダ東部の州
graft :汚職(事件)、収賄(事件)、不正利得(物)
swing :〈話〉~を思い通りにする、~をうまくやり通す
local legislature :地方議会
pernicious :有害な、悪質な
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Daily Routine

2013年12月29日 12時01分01秒 | 日記
Push-ups:14 times
Walking: a total of 20 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I could keep no-smoking for three years and twenty-one days in a row.
I decreased the number of push-ups to one set of fourteen times but keep over one
set of 10-time push-ups for the twelfth consecutive day.
After snowing, it's pretty sunny today.
Although the temperatures are ones of typically midwinter days, I feel a little
relieved due to sunshine.
Anyway I really want to meaningfully spend the six successive holidays from today
to next Friday.
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2013年12月28日 14時39分23秒 | 日記


become stuck :行き詰まる
nautical mile :〔国際単位の〕海里◆船舶と航空機が使う距離の単位で、もともと地球の緯度
icebreaker :砕氷船、砕氷器、流氷よけ
recreate :~を休養させる
strand :~を座礁させる
in danger of :~の危険があって
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Daily Routine

2013年12月28日 12時50分18秒 | 日記
Push-ups:14+14 times
Walking: a total of 30 minutes
Standing with one leg :11 minutes each
jogging on the spot :10 minutes

It has been three years and twenty days in a row since I gave up smoking.
I could keep two sets of fourteen-time push-ups for the second successive day and
over 10-time push-ups for the eleventh straight day.
It's been actually snowing in Nagoya and it's very cold.
But I know that such a cold weather flips on cherry trees' preparation for their
next spring's blossoms.
When I come to think of this, I feel it's not cold......I hope so.^^;;;
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Daily Routine

2013年12月27日 12時32分46秒 | 日記
Push-ups:14+14 times
Walking: a total of 40 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :9 minutes

Three years and nineteen days in a row have passed since I kicked smoking.
I increased the number of push-ups by 14 times to two sets of 14-time push-ups,
and kept over ten-time push-ups for the tenth consecutive day.
After a very cold rain yesteray, it's cloudy and sometimes sunny today.
I felt this morning's chill was milder than usual but weather reports say it might
be snowy tomorrow....I hope not.
Anyway I'll have to be careful not to spend New Year's days with a cold.
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2013年12月26日 15時49分16秒 | 日記


militaristic :軍国主義の[に彩られた]
renunciation :〔宗教や道徳上の理由からの〕拒否、拒絶、自制
embolden :励ます
atone :罪滅ぼしをする、~を償う
ritual offerings :儀式の捧げ物
proactive :〔行動などが〕先を見越した、事前に行動を起こした、先回りした
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Daily Routine

2013年12月26日 12時05分02秒 | 日記
Push-ups:14 times
Walking: 20 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I could keep no-smoking for three years and eighteen days in a row.
I did one set of 14-time push-ups yesterday and kept over one set of ten-time
push-ups for the ninth straight day.
It's quite cloudy in Nagoya now and it looks like it's going to start raining
pretty soon.
Only six days including today are left this year and actually I feel time passes
much more quickly than when I was young.
....Indeed, at the end of my life I might feel as if my life were only one moment.
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