kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2014年06月30日 11時36分13秒 | 日記
Push-ups:20 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

It has been three years and 204 days in a row since I kicked smoking.
I was able to keep over one set of 20-time push-ups for the fourteenth consecutive day
and over one set of 15-time push-ups for the nineteenth successive day.
It's normally hot with the predicted highest temperature of 32 degrees.
If I remember right, last year the rainy season ended in Nagoya on July 2nd or so.
I hope it will continue a little longer this year so that clouds can block sunshine.
Here is my memo....Last year on July 7, we, in Nagoya, had days with the highest
temperature of 35 degrees and from July 8 to July 12,...unbelievably....with highest
temperatures of over 37 degrees.
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Daily Routine

2014年06月29日 12時22分25秒 | 日記
Push-ups:20 times
Walking: 40 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

Three years and 203 days in a row have passed since I gave up smoking.
I was able to keep over one set of 15-time push-ups for the eighteenth straight day
including the last thirteen days of over one set of 20-time push-ups.
It's really disgusting to trespass on my kindness.
I really hate such actions.
Anyway simply because such actions always happen in the world, I may need much more patience.
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2014年06月28日 14時17分42秒 | 日記


purportedly :うわさによれば
petty offender :軽犯罪者
Falun Gong :《the ~》法輪功◆李洪志(Li Hongzhi)を教祖とする中国の気功集団
arbitrary detention :恣意的な拘束
scribble :殴り[走り]書きすること
scum :〈軽蔑的〉人間のくず、価値のない人(たち)、つまらないやつ◆集団を指して用いられることがある。
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Daily Routine

2014年06月28日 12時29分51秒 | 日記
Push-ups:20 times
Walking: 20 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for three years and 202 days in a row.
Simply because I didn't feel like doing the second round of push-ups, I did only one set
of 20-time push-ups and kept over one set of 15 times of them for the 17th successive day.
It's cloudy, I feel, and sometimes sunny, but actually I feel it's abnormally muggy.
It must be very lucky for me that the predicted highest temperature will be some 27 degrees.
I drank low-malt beer or Happoshu in Japanese last night for the first time in a very very
long time and I felt it's actually not better than regular beer, I felt.
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2014年06月27日 18時56分58秒 | 日記


chilling :身も凍るような、恐ろしい、冷ややかな
scrawl :走り書きする、殴り書きにする
garment :衣類、衣服、衣料品、服飾、覆い
sewn :sewの過去分詞形 :【@】ソーン、ソウン
degrading :品位を落とす、下品な、下劣な、みっともない、〔名誉を〕傷つける
sweatshop :労働搾取工場[会社]
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Daily Routine

2014年06月27日 12時05分56秒 | 日記
Push-ups:20+20 times
Walking: 40 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

It has been three years and 201 days in a row since I quit smoking.
I managed to increase the number of push-ups to two sets of 20-time push-ups and kept
over one set of 15 times of them for the sixteenth consecutive day.
Today's sunlight is not so strong but actually I feel rather hot maybe due to high
humidity from the rainy season front.
Also I feel the number of days of unpleasant night is steadily increasing.
Anyway because it's likely to see higher humidity, I'll have to be careful about dehydration.
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2014年06月26日 17時28分22秒 | 日記


yarn-making factory :製糸工場
sericulture :養蚕
farmhouse :〔農場内の〕母屋、家屋
take note of :~に注意する、~に気付く
catapult :勢いよく放たれる、急激に動く
inscription :記すこと、記入
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Daily Routine

2014年06月26日 12時11分28秒 | 日記
Push-ups:20 times
Walking: a totalof 90 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

Three years and 200 days in a row have passed since I stopped smoking.
I was able to keep one set of 20-time push-ups for the third successive day and
over one set of 15 times of them for the fifteenth straight day.
It's cloudy today and a little humid but I have to say it's lucky that the clouds
are blocking severe sunshine.
I've given up my plans to do middle-distance walking this summer and I hope to
do that this autumn simply because the high humidity makes me hesitate to carry
out such plans.
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Daily Routine

2014年06月25日 11時54分01秒 | 日記
Push-ups:20 times
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :0 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I wish I had a little more time to be here today.
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Daily Routine

2014年06月24日 12時16分34秒 | 日記
Push-ups:20 times
Walking: 41+41 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for three years and 198 days in a row.
I decreased the number of push-ups to one set of 20-times of them but kept over one set
of 15-time push-ups for the thirteenth consecutive day.
It's beautifully sunny today and actually a little hot.
Now, I'm considering purchase of a tablet computer if it's really fit to my needs.
Well, I'm wondering if I should go to a store...maybe LABI....in the very near future.
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