kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2016年09月30日 11時48分09秒 | 日記
Push-ups:18 times
Walking :40+40=1 hour 20 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I'm afraid I have a tight schedule today, so I cannot stay here any longer.
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2016年09月29日 19時16分10秒 | 日記


at nightfall :日暮れ頃、日没に、夜になると、夕暮れに
in one's prime :最盛期の[に・で]、全盛期の[に・で]、絶頂期の[に・で]
through time :時系列でみた場合
by rule :規則[規定]通りに、規則[規定]に従って、杓子定規に、機械的に、規定により
one's credit card statement :クレジットカードご利用(代金)明細書
teachers showing favoritism :ひいきする先生
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Daily Routine

2016年09月29日 13時09分07秒 | 日記
Push-ups:18 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

It has been five years and 295 days in a row since I quit smoking.
I was able to keep over 15-time push-ups for the tenth straight day and
18-time push-ups for the second consecutive day.

Finally, it's sunny in Nagoya now for the first time in a long time.
I really hope such a sunny day will continute for several days and I
would like to enjoy autumnal crisp weather.
I've noticed that some leaves of cherry trees have begun falling and
the color of rice ears has almost completely turned yellow or gold.
So, it's about time I had to be careful about temperatures in the early morning.
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2016年09月28日 20時22分13秒 | 日記


indolence :〔習慣的な〕怠惰
gad :出歩き、ほっつき歩くこと
public hazard :公害
hostile sentiments :敵意、敵対心
today's universities :今日の大学
on stilts :竹馬に乗って、〔言葉が〕大げさな、オーバーな
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Daily Routine

2016年09月28日 12時18分48秒 | 日記
Push-ups:18 times
Walking :a total of 1 hour 20 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

Five years and 294 days in a row have passed since I broke my bad habit of smoking.
I managed to increase the number of push-ups by only one time to 18 times
and kept more than 15-time push-ups for the ninth successive day.

It was raining in the morning but very luckily it had stopped while I was
riding a bike on my way to the workplace.
I thought just now that it looked like it was going to start raining soon,
and in fact, it's started raining now.
According to weather reports, it will be rainy all day today.
Actually, the shortage of sunlight in September is really abnormal, I feel.
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2016年09月27日 16時23分56秒 | 日記


backward movement :後退
dictatorial leadership :独裁的リーダーシップ
for the occasion :その時のために
afresh :新たに、再び、もう一度(最初から)、あらためて、今さらのように
arrange for a luncheon meeting :昼食会を設定[手配]する
backslide :〔悪い方への〕後戻り、退歩、堕落
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Daily Routine

2016年09月27日 13時02分12秒 | 日記
Push-ups:17 times
Walking :a total of 1 hour 50 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I have succeeded in preventing myself from smoking for five years and 293 days in a row.
I was able to keep at least 16-time push-ups for the eighth consecutive day
including the latest seven days of 17 times of them.

It was sunny in the morning but now it's cloudy in Nagoya.
Just as weather ladies said yesterday, it's a little humid.
Reports say the day length of September is only 20% of the normal year.
That's why I've been feeling I need more sunshine.
Anyway, I really want to see clear autumn skies.
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2016年09月26日 15時02分35秒 | 日記


disintegration of radium :ラジウム(の)崩壊
treated with a chemical :《be ~》化学処理される
read :〔機器が数値などを〕示す、表示する
account holder's name :口座名義人名
pure-hearted :心の純粋な[きれいな]、心優しい、純情な、ナイーブな
stagnation :沈滞、不振、停滞、低迷、よどみ
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Daily Routine

2016年09月26日 13時00分20秒 | 日記
Push-ups:17 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :12 minutes each
jogging-on-the-spot :30 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for five years and 292 days in a row.
I also was able to keep 17-time push-ups for the sixth successive day and
over 15-time push-ups for the seventh straight day.

Actually, I feel it's a little muggy today in Nagoya due maily to a
moist south wind from the high-pressure system in the Pacific.
I don't like humid weather but this time, thanks to the responsible
high-pressure system, the typhoon #17 is going to the west, not toward Japan.
Anyway, I think it's about time that autumnal weather would come to Japan.
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Daily Routine

2016年09月25日 13時00分16秒 | 日記
Push-ups:17 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

It has been five years and 291 days in a row since I shook off a bad habit of smoking.
I was able to keep more than 15-time push-ups for the sixth consecutive day
including the latest five days of 17 times of them.

It's greatly sunny today for the first time in a very long time, I feel.
I've been long wanting bright sunshine and now I really hope such a nice
day will continue as long as possible because I'm sure I must have been
born in order to enjoy autumnal crisp weather in Japan....^^;;;
According to recent weather forecasts, I'm afraid my wish will not come true.
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