kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2013年05月31日 11時38分06秒 | 日記
Walking: 50 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :3+3 minutes

Two years and 174 days in a row have passed since I quit smoking.
I can understand why Aichi Prefecture is one of the worst areas in the number of death
toll of traffic accidents.
Today again, while riding a bike on my way to the work place, I saw a crazy driver
driving a car straight ahead with its blinker on.
One is enough, and one is too many.
I'll really have to be careful not to become caught in an accident.
I have to say again that every single car driver is absolutely evil in principle.
Since they are protected by steel plates, they CAN be indifferent to the safety of others.
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Daily Routine

2013年05月30日 11時51分58秒 | 日記
Walking: a total of 30 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :3+3 minutes

I could keep no-smoking for two years and 173 days in a row.
I'm wondering if I should resume push-ups but actually there is still a little dindle
in my right elbow and right index finger.
So, I'm wondering if I should NOT resume them until it has completely disappear.
It's completely cloudy today and sometimes there is a very little rain in Nagoya.
The humidity must be high because I feel a little clammy.
At the same time, it may be lucky that clouds are blocking severe sunshine.
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Daily Routine

2013年05月29日 12時01分38秒 | 日記
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :3+3 minutes

I kept no-smoking for two years and 172 days in a row.
I'm afraid that my arms' muscle must have been weakened completely after stopping push-ups
due maily to the pain in my right elbow and shoulder.
It's quite cloudy and probably it's going to start raining very soon.
Weather officials say the rainy season of this year has begun in Tokai area, about ten
days earlier than an average year.
I hope it'll rain not so heavily...I mean the appropriate amout of rain will be OK.
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Daily Routine

2013年05月28日 12時00分20秒 | 日記
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :3+3 minutes

I could keep no-smoking for two years and 171 days in a row.
I've decided to add jogging on the spot to my physical exercises and began doing that
from two rounds of 3 minutes, and I hope to continue as long as possible.
If possible,....I really want to climb Mt. Fuji some day.....if possible.
So, I want to do something to strengthen my body with the hope of that.
Anyway it's quite cloudy and looks like it's going to start raining soon in Nagoya.
I'm afraid that the rainy season may be coming earlier than usual.
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2013年05月27日 19時44分33秒 | 日記


ravage :荒らす、荒廃させる、大きな損害[被害]を与える、ひどい状態にする
Federal Emergency Management Agency :【組織名】米連邦緊急事態管理局◆1979設立
command center :司令部、コマンド・センター
shooting rampage :銃乱射事件
emergency services :救急隊、緊急医療サービス
shortchange :釣り銭をごまかす、釣り銭を少なく渡す、だます
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2013年05月27日 19時24分13秒 | 日記


Cannes Film Festival :カンヌ国際映画祭
Palme d' Or award :《映画》パルムドール(最高賞)◆カンヌ映画祭における最高の賞
in part :ある程度、一部分、一つには、幾分
inheritance :相続、遺産、遺伝、遺物、相続財産
motherhood :母であること、母親、母親の精神、母性
screenplay :映画台本
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Daily Routine

2013年05月27日 11時50分44秒 | 日記
Walking: a total of 4 hours and 10 minutes
Standing with one leg :0 minutes each

I kept no-smoking for two years and 170 days in a row.
Yesterday I did a four-hour walking for the first time in a very long time.
I walked from my work place from near Iwatsuka Subway staiton in Nagoya, Aichi
Prefecture to Kuwana JR station in Mie Prefcture by way of Kanie Kintetsu station.
It took about four hours and I took a break four times for a total of one and a
half hours.
So, I started at twelve fourty-five and reached Kuwana at about six fifteen.
Actually this walking has made me boost my confidence.
If I take a break several times, I may be able to do a five-hour walking, which
I think is a prerequisite for climbing up Mt. Fuji.
Anyway I hope to keep walking practice.
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Daily Routine

2013年05月26日 11時52分53秒 | 日記
Walking: a total of 45 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each

I'm afraid that I have little time to be here today.
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Daily Routine

2013年05月25日 12時23分12秒 | 日記
Walking: a total of 92 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each

I could keep no-smoking for two years and 168 days in a row.
Seventy days have passed since I stopped doing push-ups due maily to the pain in my
right elbow and shoulder.
The pain is almost completely disappearing although I feel sometimes a little pain.
However, the dindle in my right index finger is really persistent and still here.
I tried walking from JR Kanie station to my work place, which took about 80 minutes,
as many as 15 minutes longer than I expected.
So, I have to change my long-distance walking route.
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2013年05月24日 17時50分23秒 | 日記


drone :単調音、モノトーン、無人飛行機、ラジコン飛行機
stir controversy :論争を起こす、論争を呼ぶ
fuller discussion :詳述
cleric :聖職者、牧師
force-feed :~に無理やり詰め込む、~に無理矢理食べさせる
waiver :権利放棄、免除
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