kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2018年02月28日 12時43分31秒 | 日記

Push-ups :23 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :10 minutes

It has been seven years and eighty-one days in a row since I got rid of my smoking habit.
I was able to keep more than 15-time push-ups for the one year and twenty-eighth
straight day including the latest twenty-two days of 23-time push-ups.

It's getting warmer and warmer.
Especially today, I'm wondering that it's because the moist winds from the south
are blowing into the Japanese Archipelago.
The cold I got a few days ago is still here, but very fortunately, the symptoms
are much milder than the previous cold I got in January.
I'm wondering it's because of my antibodies against the cold to some extent.

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2018年02月27日 19時49分31秒 | 日記



connote :〔語の元の意味に加えて~を〕含意する、暗示する
catch the bug :取り付かれている、熱狂的になっている
nestle :~を心地よく落ち着かせる
snuggle :すり寄り、寄り添い
be sensitive to change of ~ :~の変化に敏感である
bite-sized :一口サイズの、一口大の、ちっちゃな、非常に小さい

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Daily Routine

2018年02月27日 12時46分37秒 | 日記

Push-ups :23 times
Walking :a total of 30 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :10 minutes

Seven years and eighty days in a row have passed since I broke my smoking habit.
I was able to keep 23-time push-ups for the twenty-first successive day and greater
than 15-time push-ups for the one year and twenty-seventh consecutive day.

It's steadily getting warmer and warmer, which should have made me feel happy.
However, very very unfortunately, I've got a cold again and now have a sore throat
and a runny nose.
It's unbelievably rare that I've got a cold for the second straight month.
I'm wondering this might be the first time in my life.
Anyway, I really hope to get well soon.

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2018年02月26日 20時19分57秒 | 日記



sporting event :スポーツ・イベント、スポーツ競技、スポーツ行事
good-natured :気立ての良い、温厚な、優しい
go through a lot :やっとの思いで、たくさんの[いろいろな]苦しい[つらい]経験をする
give someone the creeps :〔恐怖心・不快感などを与える物事・人が〕(人)をゾッとさせる、(人)を戦慄させる
highest-paid employee :最高給取りの[を取得する]社員[従業員]
fool batters :バッター(野球の打者)を手玉に取る

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Daily Routine

2018年02月26日 12時26分43秒 | 日記

Push-ups :23 times
Walking :48 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :10 minutes

I have succeeded in preventing myself from smoking for seven years and seventy-nine days in a row.
I was able to keep at least 16-time push-ups for the one year and twenty-sixth
straight day including the most recent twenty days of 23-time push-ups.

Today, it's become much warmer than yesterday and I feel spring is surely
drawing nearer and nearer.
I felt hot while riding my bike on my way to the workplace wearing a winter jacket.
According to weather reports, the highest temperature in Nagoya will be 15 degrees,
which maybe the highest this year, I think.
Cherry blossoms will start blooming in one month.
I'm really looking forward to them.

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2018年02月25日 17時42分39秒 | 日記



boxed lunch :《a ~》弁当
packaged food :加工食品
bottled beer :瓶ビール、瓶詰めビール
toiletry :化粧品、洗面道具◆せっけん、歯磨き粉、シャンプー、シェイビングローション
household item :家財道具
everyday goods :生活物資

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Daily Routine

2018年02月25日 12時38分52秒 | 日記

Push-ups :23 times
Walking :61 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :10 minutes

I have been able to do without smoking for seven years and seventy-eight days in a row.
I was able to keep 23-time push-ups for the nineteenth consecutive day and
over 15-time push-ups for the one year and twenty-fifth successive day.

Very unhappily, despite the weather forecast a few days ago, it's very
cloudy and cold in Nagoya with only 6 degrees now.
However, I have to be convinced that today's cold is the last wintry day.
Anyway, I need much more sunshine.
If the sun were shining in the sky, I would feel much more relieved.
I have to survive today's cold by using all my strength that is left.^^;;;

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Daily Routine

2018年02月24日 12時51分28秒 | 日記

Push-ups :23 times
Walking :47 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :10 minutes

I wish I could have enough time to be here a little longer today.

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2018年02月23日 14時52分33秒 | 日記



a raft of :大量の、多量の、多くの
my lady :お嬢様、奥様◆(召使いから)高貴な婦人への呼び掛け◆【略】m'lady
put up :飾る、装う
trolley :手押し車、台車、ショッピングカート、路面電車
for short :略して
prepared food :加工調理済み食品、加工食品、出来合いの食べ物、総菜

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Daily Routine

2018年02月23日 12時29分15秒 | 日記

Push-ups :23 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :10 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for seven years and seventy-six days in a row.
I was also able to keep more than 15-time push-ups for the one year and twenty-
third successive day including the latest seventeen days of 23-time push-ups.

I have felt it is indeed much warmer than yesterday while riding my bike
on my way to the workplace.
The position of the sun in the sky is getting higher and higher, which
always makes me feel relieved.
Weather ladies say it will get cold on Sunday with the predicted highest
temperature of about 9 degrees.
I want to believe that the Sunday's possible cold will be the last this winter.
And I cannot wait for cherry blossoms.^^;;;

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