kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2012年03月31日 11時45分29秒 | 日記
Walking:41+41 minutes
Standing with one leg :6 minutes each

Again I tried increasing the number of push-ups by one time for the fourth time to 24 times,
and could keep over-20-time push-ups for the fifth straight day.
I also kept no-smoking for one year and 112 days in a row.
It's been raining rather hard in Nagoya, and I feel that we have more rainy days than usual here.
Weather forecasts say it'll get cold after this rain, so I have to be careful not to catch cold.
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Daily Routine

2012年03月30日 12時06分49秒 | 日記
Walking:42 minutes
Standing with one leg :6 minutes each

For the third time, I succeeded in increasing the number of push-ups by one time to 23 times,
and kept over-20-time push-ups for the fourth straight day.
I could keept no-smoking as well for one year and 111 days in a row.
It's got absolutely warm today that I've been long waiting for, and mabybe you all, too.
Sunshine always makes me feel better especially after a wintry-chill season.
Anyway I'm really looking forward to seeing cherry blossoms...they are around the corner.
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2012年03月29日 18時56分08秒 | 日記


perennial :永続する、絶え間ない、衰えることのない、年間を通して見られる、1年中続く、多年生の
follow through on :~を継続する、引き続き~する、余勢を駆って~する
self-immolation :自己犠牲
vilification :悪口悪口、中傷
flashpoint :一触即発の状況、(戦闘・紛争の)火種
clique :小集団、徒党、派閥
maim :メイム :損なう、不具にする
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Daily Routine

2012年03月29日 11時55分36秒 | 日記
Walking:41+41 minutes
Standing with one leg :6 minutes each

Again, I increased the number of push-ups by one time to 22 times, and kept over-20-time
push-ups for the third straight day.
I also kept no-smoking for one year and 110 days although I still had a dream last night
in which I was smoking......it's surprising for me.
Anyway it's greatly sunny today just like one of the typical spring days, and surely
the cherry blossom season is steadily coming.
I have to go and enjoy them at the Yamazaki River in Mizuho Ward both during the day and
in the evening.
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Daily Routine

2012年03月28日 11時59分52秒 | 日記
Walking:0 minutes
Standing with one leg :0 minutes each

I tried increasing the number of push-ups by one time to 21 times, and kept over-20-time
push-ups for the second straight day.
I could keep no-smoking for one year and 109 days in a row.
It's cloudy and sometimes sunny in Nagoya now, and it's getting milder and milder.
I've noticed that buds of cherry blossoms actually have become growing on my way to the work place.
Maybe....they will start opening just as flower forecasts were saying....Well, I hope so.
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Daily Routine

2012年03月27日 11時55分01秒 | 日記
Walking:38+38 minutes
Standing with one leg :0 minutes each

I managed to resume 20-time push-ups yesterday after a two-day break and hope to continue as
long as possible, increasing the number of them little by little.
I also kept no-smoking for one year and 108 days in a row.
It's greatly sunny today and actually a little warm, so I decided not to wear a pair of winter gloves.
Since flower forecasts are not expected to be changed, I have to start planning to go and enjoy
cherry blossoms in Nagoya as soon as possible.
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Daily Routine

2012年03月26日 11時48分08秒 | 日記
Walking:50+15 minutes
Standing with one leg :0 minutes each

I didn't do push-ups for the second straight day because I couldn't put up with wintry chill.
I could keep no-smoking for one year and 107 days in a row.
It's quite sunny today, but actually a little cold although it's milder than yesterday.
Flower forecasts say cherry blossoms will begin opening on March 30th in Nagoya...but actually,
I'm afraid not....because it's been so cold these several days....I'm really afraid.
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2012年03月25日 17時44分11秒 | 日記


reassure :安心させる
preserve :失わないようにする、守る
clamp down on :~を取り締まる、弾圧する
dissent :意見の相違、異議申し立て
in disarray :だらしない身なりで、混乱して、隊伍を乱して、入り乱れて、混迷を深めて
nomad :遊牧民、流浪者、放浪者、非定住民
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2012年03月25日 17時10分26秒 | 日記


DMZ :【略語】=demilitarized zone、非武装地帯
confide :打ち明ける、委託する、信任する、信頼する、信用する、秘密を打ち明けて相談する
rise from poverty :貧困から身を起こす
commander in chief :司令長官、総司令官、最高司令官◆【略】C in C
align :一直線にする、一列に並べる、提携させる、並べる、合わせる、揃える
on the sidelines of the meeting :会議の際[ついで]に
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Daily Routine

2012年03月25日 11時54分34秒 | 日記
Walking:63 minutes
Standing with one leg :6 minutes each

I didn't do push-ups yesterday simply because it's a little cold and I didn't feel like doing
physical exercises.
I kept no-smoking for one year and 106 days in a row.
I was caught in a little rain on my way to the work place, but actually it's sunny now.
I've noticed that the parts below my eyes are irritating and a little inflamed.
I'm afraid that I may have to go and see a doctor.
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