kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2024年06月30日 10時53分38秒 | 日記
Push-ups :31+20=51 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes
Plunk :1.5 +0.5=2 minutes

It has been thirteen years and two hundred and
five days in a row since I gave up smoking.
I was able to keep above 9-time push-ups for
the three hundred and ninth successive day
including the latest eight days of a total of
51-time push-ups.

It has been raining in Nagoya since around the
dawn this morning, and Nagoya is seeing rainfall
for the third straight day.
Truly I am in the middle of the rainy season,
considering the lastest weather forecast, which
says that it will rain every day for another week
except only Friday.
Anyway, having to dry the raincoat every time I
use it is a hassle.
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Daily Routine

2024年06月29日 09時10分11秒 | 日記
Push-ups :31+20=51 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :26 minutes
Plunk :1.5 +0.5=2 minutes

I have a tight schedule today and cannot afford to stay here any longer.
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2024年06月28日 11時42分36秒 | 日記


jiggly :小刻みに揺れる(動きの)、不安定な、グラグラした
too much information :もう十分、これ以上はいらない、余談ですが
fitting room :試着室、仮縫室、着付け室
-let :【接尾】小さな~◆例えばbooklet, piglet, applet。
be cloned from an adult cell :大人の細胞からクローンとして作られる
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Daily Routine

2024年06月28日 11時06分10秒 | 日記
Push-ups :31+20=51 times
Walking :40+40=1 hour 20 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes
Plunk :1.5 +0.5=2 minutes

Thirteen years and two hundred and three days in
a row have passed since I quit smoking.
I was able to keep a total of 51-time push-ups
for the sixth straight day and greater than 9-
time push-ups for the three hundred and seventh
consecutive day.

It has been raining sometimes heavily and sometimes
lightly in Nagoya since late evening yesterday.
The current temperature is about 22 degrees, but
the humidity is naturally as high as 98%, so, when
I use an electric fan, I feel actually a little cold.
However, when I stop the fan, I start to feel a
little hot.... What should I do?

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Daily Routine

2024年06月27日 12時59分59秒 | 日記
Push-ups :31+20=51 times
Walking :a total of 105 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes
Plunk :1.5 +0.5=2 minutes

Again, I am so busy today that I cannot afford to stay here any longer.
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2024年06月27日 12時56分51秒 | 日記
法律違反 :law violation / violation of law (法律全般)(特定の法律: the law)
条例違反 :ordinance violation / violation of ordinance
条約違反 :treaty violation / violation of treaty
暫定措置 :an interim measure
自衛措置 :self-defense measures
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Daily Routine

2024年06月26日 15時08分34秒 | 日記
Push-ups :31+20=51 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :24 minutes
Plunk :1.5 +0.5=2 minutes

I wish I could stay here a little longer today.
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2024年06月25日 10時14分40秒 | 日記


make peace with :~と仲直りする、~と和解する、~と和平に同意する
trilingual :3カ国語の、3言語を自由に話せる
camel :《動物》ラクダ、黄褐色、ラクダ色
viral :ウイルスの[に関する・に起因する・によって引き起こされる]
FTW :【略】=for the win●〈俗〉絶対に、確かに◆強調したい語句の後ろに置く。
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Daily Routine

2024年06月25日 09時54分07秒 | 日記
Push-ups :31+20=51 times
Walking :a total of 90 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes
Plunk :1.5 +0.5=2 minutes

I have succeeded in preventing myself from smoking
for thirteen years and two hundred days in a row.
I was able to keep at least 10-time push-ups for
the three hundred and fourth successive day
including the most recent three days of a total of
51-time push-ups.

It is not raining but it is quite cloudy and dark.
The gray clouds are blocking the sunlight, so it
actually looks like it is going to start raining
pretty soon although Nagoya is forecasted to have
no rainfall today.
The one good thing in the rainy season is that the
summer heat under an overcast sky is not deadly.
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Daily Routine

2024年06月24日 15時54分34秒 | 日記
Push-ups :31+20=51 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :23 minutes
Plunk :1.5 +0.5=2 minutes

I'm very much afraid that I don't have enough time to be here today.
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