kuringo's Blog



2015年06月30日 18時36分53秒 | 日記


sexual apathy :性的無関心
virgin :童貞、処女
learn of :~を知る
non-profit :非営利の
fantasized event :《a ~》空想した[夢に描いた]出来事
That's how it goes. :そんなものさ。といった具合です。
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Daily Routine

2015年06月30日 12時58分52秒 | 日記
Push-ups:25 times
Walking:0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

It has been four years and 204 days in a row since I stopped smoking.
I was able to keep over 19-time push-ups for the thirty-ninth consecutive day
including the most recent seven days of 25 times.
It's cloudy and actually more humid than yesterday, so I can feel rainy clouds
are coming nearer and nearer.
I'm planning to go to a library tomorrow, so I'm afraid it'll surely be rainy tomorrow.
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Daily Routine

2015年06月29日 12時26分04秒 | 日記
Push-ups:25 times
Walking:a total of 85 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

Four years and 203 days in a row have passed since I gave up smoking.
I was able to keep 25-time push-ups for the sixth successive day and over 19-time
push-ups for the thirty-eighth straight day.
It's cloudy and sometimes sunny but it's much more humid than yesterday maybe because
rainy clouds are coming nearer and nearer.
I'm going to do walking in an unfamiliar town in the near future if weather permits.
I hope the rainy season will not end by then since I still need a cloudy day.^^;
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Daily Routine

2015年06月28日 13時14分57秒 | 日記
Push-ups:25 times
Walking:0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for four years and 202 days in a row.
I also was able to keep over 19-time push-ups for the thirty-seventh consecutive
day including the latest five days of 25 times.
It's sunny in Nagoya today though weahter forecasts said last night it was cloudy.
I feel it's not too hot and hope to do walking today.
I enjoyed the movie "IRON MAN" in English last night with Japanese subtitles.
Contrary to my expectation, actually, it was interesting.
I feel it has been a little easier for me to understand English in films
especially after I tried practicing "Free Conversation" which is now on k-sun_s blog.
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2015年06月27日 19時45分10秒 | 日記


red hot :注目の的、最新流行のもの
big deal :大事なこと、一大事、重大事、重大事件、大変な事
virginity :童貞であること、処女であること
no biggie :大したことない、別に大げさなことではない、大騒ぎするほどのことではない
in a relationship :交際して、付き合って、恋愛関係で
bothersome :煩わしい、厄介な
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Daily Routine

2015年06月27日 12時51分17秒 | 日記
Push-ups:25 times
Walking:0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

It has been four years and 201 days in a row since I quit smoking.
I was able to keep 25-time push-ups for the fourth successive day and over
19-time push-ups for the thirty-sixth straight day.
It's quite cloudy....weather forecasts say it will be cloudy all day today, but
actually it looks like it's going to start raining NOW as it's getting darker.
I think I had better have brought a pair of capa or a rain suit.
I'm really afraid I may be caught in the rain on my way back.
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2015年06月26日 19時36分53秒 | 日記


embroiled in :《be ~》~に巻き込まれる、~で巻き添えを食う、~でとばっちりを食う、~の渦中にある
throw up :〔食べたものを〕吐く、嘔吐する、戻す
stench :悪臭
breeding ground :繁殖地、飼育場、培養地
woe :悩みの種 【@】ウォウ
nitrate :《化学》硝酸エステル
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Daily Routine

2015年06月26日 12時31分21秒 | 日記
Push-ups:25 times
Walking:a total of 85 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

Four years and 200 days in a row since I shook off a bad habit of smoking.
I was able to keep over 19-time push-ups for the thirty-fifth consecutive day
including the most recent three days of 25 times.
It's been raining since early this morning and sometimes a little heavily.
According to weahter reports, there will be couldy or rainys in Nagoya for more
than one week just like a typical rainy season.
Actually, it had been a little too hot recently, so it may be lucky that rain clouds
are blocking severe sunshine and scorching heat.
But I have to guard against temperature differences.
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2015年06月25日 16時11分25秒 | 日記


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention :【組織】《米》疾病対策予防センター◆【略】CDC
prescription painkiller :処方箋のいる鎮痛剤
epidemic :異常発生
rotting :腐っている、朽ちかけた
contraband :〔輸出入の〕禁制品
haul :〔当局に差し押さえられた〕密輸品
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Daily Routine

2015年06月25日 13時19分33秒 | 日記
Push-ups:25 times
Walking:a total of 60 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for four years and 199 days in a row.
I managed to keep 25-time push-ups for the second successive day and over
19-time push-ups for the thirty-fourth straight day.
It's hot and actually humid, so I have to give up a plan to do a walking.
Now, my PC is showing every website is waiting...I cannot connect websites.
According to the PC's indication, the Internet connection is established, but
I cannot see any website...Maybe the PC is not connected in fact.
Well, of course, when you see this message, the PC has become able to connect
the Internet.^^;;;
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