kuringo's Blog



2012年08月09日 17時39分20秒 | 日記


pack away :しまい込む、(食べ物を)平らげる、荷物をまとめてさっさと出ていく
hazy :いい加減な、かすんだ、ぼんやりした、もやのかかった
high-resolution picture :高解像度の画像
blur :ぼんやりさせる、にじませる、あいまい[うやむや・不明確]にする
foreground :フォアグラウンド、前景、最前面、表面、最も目立つ位置
over time :時間が経てば、自然に、独りでに、ゆっくり時間をかけて
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Daily Routine

2012年08月09日 11時52分50秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 0
Walking: 58 minutes
Standing with one leg :9 minutes each

I might have had a cold yesterday and I had a little fever, so I didn't do push-ups intentionally.
I hope to resume them, but actually I've got an internal bleeding in my right third finger,
so now I'm wondering if I should stop doing them.
I could keep no-smoking for one year and 243 days in a row.
It's sunny but sometimes cloudy and when it's cloudy, I feel the August heat much milder.
Anyway the lingering summer heat is surely moving toward the exits, but I'll have to keep
my guard up against dehydration and heat stroke.
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