kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2012年08月31日 12時10分55秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 30
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg 9 minutes each

I could resume push-ups from 30 times yesterday, down one time from the previous record, and I
hope to continue them as long as possible.
I also could keep no-smoking for one year and 266 days in a row.
It's sometimes sunny in the morning but now pretty cloudy and it looks like it may be rainy
pretty soon just as weather forecasts said.
When it comes to weather reports, Ms Mamiko Okamura, who is in charge of weather forecasts at
the NHK 7pm TV News program on week days, is .... very personally .... normally pretty.(?)
Anyway I like her voice.....and sometimes her sense of fashion.
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