kuringo's Blog



2012年08月16日 18時19分05秒 | 日記


scuttle :(船に)穴をあけて沈める[沈没させる]、断念する、やめる
divide and conquer :分断攻略
animosity :強い憎しみ、恨み、悪意、憎悪、敵意、敵対意識
stakeholder :賭け金の保管人、利害関係者、投資家(グループ)、出資者
whitewash :上辺を飾る、ごまかす、もみ消す
code of conduct :行動準則、行動規範
expedient :便宜の、好都合の、ご都合主義の、方便的な
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Daily Routine

2012年08月16日 11時52分24秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 0
Walking: 40 minutes
Standing with one leg :9 minutes each

I didn't do push-ups for the second straight day since I felt a little pain in my right arm
after I polished the floor of my work place.
So, now I'm afraid that my arms' muscle has been weakened and I have to resume them as soon
as possible.
I could keep no-smoking for one year and 251 days in a row.
It's greatly sunny today in Nagoya but actually not so scorcching, and it looks like autumnal
weather is steadily coming day by day and week after week.
The athlete's foot I got two weeks ago is now disappearing due to the topical cream from a doctor.
I really hope it will completely disappear as soon as possible.
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