JK3NSD/6 AS-024 Ishigaki island

2011年05月02日 22時48分57秒 | English

            When I and my family visited Ishigaki island in the part of YAEYAMA Is. AS-024 for sightseeing, JK3NSD/6 QRVed from hotel in my spare time on April 29 and 30. It was very hard operation due to much QRN. Always S-meter of my Rig indicated S5...

            Thank you very much for calling from many DX stations. But unfortunately I could not copy all due to unstable condition and QRN.  To avoid your confusing, I disclose WKD callsigns without JAs as follows.

             R8TX,  SP5ARP, UT7QF, RV6ALI, UA0IT, RA3CQ, IZ8GGF, SP2EWQ

             UR3IFD, UW2ZO, HA3HP, SP7CDG, SV1OZ, RG4F, OH4JK, SV1JG

             HL1IWD, DL4FCS, US5ETV

             Thanks for sending QSL cards from OH4JK and SV1OZ by DIRECT. I have already replied to them quicky on May 2011.  Other QSL cards were sent you via JARL Bureau on the end of May.

            QSL card will be sent you via bureau. If you can't receive it via bureau, please send me your QSL card and SASE. My address is on QRZ.com.

            Thank you.

              JK3NSD  Ando