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2013年05月07日 | 東日本大震災「共に祈りを捧げましょう」


<東日本大震災/The Great East Japan Earthquake>
(*Please scroll down for the English version.)

月命日にあたる11日に、東日本大震災を振り返り、沢山の亡くなった方々のご冥福をお祈りすると共に、皆で力を合わせてこの苦難を乗り越えていけるよう、共に祈りを捧げませんか。この震災は、「誰か」に起こったことではありません。私たち一人一人に起こったことだと思います。日本時間の11日に、何時でもどこ にいても参加が可能です。

...It will soon be May 11th.
"KOKORO"is a group that looks back on the Great East Japan Earthquake and holds a global circle of prayer every month on the 11th (Japan Time) to pray for the victims and their families. We believe that the disaster did not happen to only some of us, but rather to all of us.
Since on-site reports of the quake hit area are decreasing day by day from the media, "KOKORO" welcomes news, encouraging messages, and ideas from everyone that will help support the afflicted areas. Please feel free to leave your message on the KOKORO website and facebook.
This month's prayer will be held on the 11th Japan time, 10th New York time. Let us put our "kokoro (hearts)" together to send our energy to Tohoku and to let the people there know that we are still behind them.

Homepage: http://311kokoro.wordpress.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/311kokoro
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#311kokoro


