Creator's Blog,record of the Designer's thinking


番外編524.From Philippines20.  大晦日

2021年12月31日 | field work








注)南雲直子、大原美保、Badri Bhakta SHRESTHA、澤野久弥:フィリピンの洪水常襲地帯における洪水氾濫解析とGISマッピング―災害対応計画作成に向けた取り組みと課題―Flood Simulation and GIS Mapping in Flood-prone Region of the Philippines: Efforts and Issues in Contingency Planning、公益社団法人 日本地理学会.E-journal GEO 11(2), 361-374, 2016




(In English)

New Year's Eve

The last image of the year will end with the BULCAN sunset.

NIKKA did his best to shoot, so I continued until New Year's Eve. I am grateful.

According to Japanese information, the state of BULCAN, where this city is located, is a flood-prone area in the lower reaches of the Pampanga River. Therefore, a simulation of the evacuation plan was carried out and summarized as an academic paper (Note1).

In fact, NIKKA's house has been flooded twice in the short period I know. It is also the dry season. Changes in the global environment due to CO2 emissions into the atmosphere are likely to be behind. The global environment is changing little by little.

With such concerns, it seems that we will enter a new year.

Note1) Naoko Nagumo, Miho Ohara, Badri Bhakta SHRESTHA, Hisaya Sawano: ―Flood Simulation and GIS Mapping in Flood-prone Region of the Philippines: Efforts and Issues in Contingency Planning, The Association of Japanese Geographers. 2), 361-374, 2016


Shooting and direction: NIKKA PAGUTALUNAN

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番外編523.From Philippines19. 子供達の視線

2021年12月30日 | field work








(In english)Children's eyes

What about the end of the year in the Philippines? Isn't it different from usual? Even so, I can't take a new picture because NIKKA is sleeping because of an injury.

Let's upload the happy images of the children and make them look like the end of the year.

In this city, which is hot and breathless in the daytime, children will appear in the evening. I saw children's V signs in various situations in their lives.

The curiosity of the children is wonderful.

Shooting and direction: NIKKA PAGUTALUNAN

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番外編522.From Philippines18. 年末

2021年12月29日 | field work













(in English)Year-end

 In Japan, the shopping season at the end of the year was active. On the other hand, how was the end of the year in the Philippines? I don't know because the images from NIKKA don't come in real time. I'll give you an image near the end of the year.

Compared to Japan, it is a Bulacan market that is usually crowded. If you say that, the Japanese will argue that there are more people in the Japanese market! What is often here is not about quantity, but about the signs of people and the liveliness of the market filled with products.

After all, there are many people in the literary field in Japan, so the numbers are noisy. That doesn't mean they're good at math, they're just good at swinging around. Such a phenomenon is unpleasant for an engineering person. That's why I'm always laughing in my heart.

Also, in the scene of a work meeting, the officials read the numbers quickly, but when they go a little further and talk about the analysis method of the third kind of quantification, they are silent all at once. They are, after all, vulnerable to mathematics.

By the way, quantification type 3 may be used for analysis even with 40% explanatory power. So it's a nuisance to me just to have the numbers swing around.

The topic was off.

With that, the end of the year is approaching.


Shooting and direction: NIKKA PAGUTALUNAN

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番外編521.From Philippines17.  普段着の街

2021年12月28日 | Sensual novel

















(In English)Town of everyday wear

Philippines in early December. It makes me feel that it is a southern island because of the appearance of people. It's the city of Bulacan for everyday wear.

If it's summer in Okinawa, Japan, you might see something like this. The scenery of the city is the same as in Japan.

We visit for sightseeing. With the best views and facilities for sightseeing, you will have the impression of the country you visited. However, if you go outside the tourist spots, the scenery of everyday life that is everywhere continues endlessly. That is the characteristic of Southeast Asia.

Therefore, the reason why Okinawa and the Philippines are similar is probably because of these characteristics.

But people speak English and Tagalog. Seems to me a Gentile.

States belong to ethnic and historical categories. However, the climate goes beyond the unit of a nation and extends over a wide range. The concept of the environment is higher than the nation.

The environment in which humans live is like that.

With that in mind, NIKKA sent me a video of the Christmas sequel.

The location was in Malolos' Matinbo Bulacan and Memo.

Is Malolos near that market?

It was a celebration of Christmas day. People gathered and cheers were echoing.

NIKKA said in a comment that he would introduce my family. I searched for my cousin and niece in the video. In other words, aren't most of the people shown here relatives and friends?

I'm invited to have Christmas together next year.

Shooting and direction: NIKKA PAGUTALUNAN

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番外編520.From Philippines16. 市場

2021年12月27日 | field work



画像はブラカンのどこかの市場だが、マロロスの巨大市場とは違うようだ。因みにGoogle Mapで検索すると、大きな街毎に、こうした市場が存在する。












Market (in English)
Let's continue the image received from NIKKA.

The image is somewhere in Bulacan, but it doesn't seem to be the huge market in Malolos. By the way, if you search on Google Map, there are such markets in each big city.

That's why the market has become a daily necessities of people.

Therefore, it is always busy.

On the other hand, what about Japan now?

The tourist market is the representative of what is called the market at best.

The tourist market sells local ingredients, but the prices are close to the prices in the city.

Then it's a food specialty store ...

Still, people flock, so it's a market for the time being.

The Japanese who are satisfied with the tourist market are a little different from the market as a daily necessities.

It seems that there are still many markets for daily necessities in the Philippines.

Shooting and direction: NIKKA PAGUTALUNAN

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番外編519.From Philippines15. フィリピンの色彩

2021年12月26日 | field work











(In English)Filipino colors

It's a birthday party outside because there are children dressed up. This is no different from the Japanese landscape when viewed from a distance. However, Japanese commercial facilities do not have children's birthday parties. In Japan, we celebrate quietly at home.

There are many Bertie participants in the Philippines. That is the difference from Japan. If you go to the countryside of the Philippines, it is a large family where many people called relatives come and go. Therefore, there are many children. In that case, it may not be a party.

Looking at it like that, is there a tendency for the birthrate to decline a little here as well?

I don't know the situation around that unless I live in this land. Understanding different cultures has the meaning of communication with foreign countries.

It is this color that stands out more than that. Of course it's a little crap. However, looking at the color trends, it is still the influence of American culture.

At this point, I thought that if I brought in the colors of Deborah Sussman, who was the colorist of Jon Jerde's office, it would be elegant and accepted by the Filipinos. In other words, I was looking at these images from an architectural perspective.

Shooting and direction: NIKKA PAGUTALUNAN

Shooting equipment: The cheapest smartphone

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番外編518.From Philippines14.クリスマス

2021年12月25日 | field work







(In English)Christmas

The Christmas church is as gorgeous as a festival. The Philippines is no exception.

Therefore, I ordered NIKKA to take a picture of the church on Christmas Eve! In this blog, an image of Chris Eve in the countryside of the Philippines has been uploaded. So what will happen on the 25th?

NIKKA says he went shopping for food, so I'm guessing that Eve's evening would probably be a party with her relatives and friends. From what I hear, it seems that I cook various dishes at this time. When I hear that, I would like to have Christmas in the Philippines next time.

Shooting and direction: NIKKA PAGUTALUNAN

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番外編517.From Philippines13. クリスマスイブ

2021年12月24日 | field work





NIKKAのコメントによれば、「ブラカンブラカンの広場とブラカンブラカン教会です。教会の名前は「Neustra Señora De la Asuncion」で、毎年12月15日に多くの人が教会の夜を過ごします。それが教会の夜が始まる日です。そして12月24日まで実行されます」。教会を中心に、こうした賑いがクリスマス・イブまで続く。

そしてフィリピンの家々では12月15日から24日迄、料理をつくり家族や親戚達とこの期間をいわう"Nuch buena para sa Dispiras"だ。NIKKAは料理の買い出し前に、教会の風景を届けてくれた。それは日本のお正月のようでもある。




(In English)

Christmas Eve

In December, the decoration of the city will be Christmas specifications. I saw such a landscape on Fifth Avenue in New York. Naturally, this city should be gorgeous because it is the Philippines that has absorbed American culture.

Bracan's Plaza Park is also Christmas specs. Even though it's December, when you look at the people in these light clothes, it's still a southern country.

I asked NIKKA to take a picture of the Philippines at that time! While continuing to shoot, NIKKA crashed into the wall of a private house in a motorcycle accident. That's why I can't walk for a while.

If I was thinking of giving up the scenery of Christmas Eve, NIKKA took a picture of the city of Christmas with an attendant.

According to NIKKA's comment, "Bulacan Bulacan Square and Bulacan Bulacan Church. The name of the church is" Neustra Señora De la Asuncion "and many people spend the night of the church on December 15th every year. That is the day when the church night begins. And it will run until December 24th. " Centered around the church, this bustle continues until Christmas Eve.

And in Filipino houses, from December 15th to 24th, it is "Nuch buena para sa Dispiras", which cooks food and talks with family and relatives during this period. NIKKA delivered the scenery of the church before shopping for food. It's also like the New Year in Japan.

God bless the people of NIKKA and BULACAN.

Shooting and direction: NIKKA PAGUTALUNAN

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番外編516.From Philippines12. ハロウィーン

2021年12月23日 | field work











(IN English)Halloween
Ang kaganapan na tinatawag na Hello Vienna, na gaganapin sa katapusan ng Oktubre, ay itinatag na rin sa Japan.

Kahit na sa aerobics class ng sports club na pinapasukan ko, nakaugalian na magkaroon ng ilang uri ng accent tuwing Halloween week.

Halimbawa, naisip ko na ang ideya ng paglalagay lamang ng pulang buntot sa likod ng isang t-shirt ay isang obra maestra. Tinatamad akong gawin ito kasama ang mga Halloween T-shirt sa kiosk. Taun-taon ito ay ... walang daya.

Ang Pilipinas ay may kolonyal na panahon ng mga Amerikano, kaya natural na mayroong Halloween. Sa tingin ko ay napalitan na nito ang magagandang gawi. Ito ay isang Katolikong bansa, kaya natural na magkaroon nito ...

Protestante kung naiimpluwensyahan ng kulturang Amerikano, ngunit ang Pilipinas ay Katoliko. Ito ay magiging isang labi ng pamumuno ng mga Espanyol.


Shooting and direction: NIKKA PAGUTALUNAN

Mga kagamitan sa pagbaril: Ang pinakamurang smartphone

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番外編515.From Philippines11. フィリピンの物価

2021年12月22日 | field work
















(In English)

Prices in the Philippines
Previously, it was reported on Japanese TV that the Philippines was also expensive.

Let's take a look at the image of NIKKA. The top image has 5 eggs, 23-35 peso. If the rate is 2.283852, it will be 53 to 80 yen in Japanese yen.

Prices in the Philippines are lower than in Japan, as eight supermarkets in Japan now cost around 150-180 yen. Still, it will be higher in the Philippines.If you multiply the number of Philippine pesos by 2.5, it becomes Japanese yen.

I heard that if you cut down on your life, your monthly living expenses will be around 20,000 yen. If you add the rent to it, you can live for 25,000 to 30,000 yen.

In addition, the average single-family home site in this area is 5 million yen. I also heard that the construction cost is 5 million yen.

Even if it gets higher, you can live a much cheaper life than in Japan. Perhaps because of this, there was also WEB information that Japanese pensioners are living with Filipina as their wife. It's a second life rather than enjoying the rest of my life.

Considering that the President of the United States is 80 years old, retirement age is in the middle of life. Among them, highly educated people will retire. It is a wasteful use of human resources. It is understandable that Japan's productivity will drop and that it will be overtaken by China in the economy. No, should we think that this is a complete second life, thanks to the nation's stupid use of humans?

In that case, a Japanese pension is necessary and sufficient to quickly marry a young Filipina and enjoy her second life. Of course young Filipinas like it. If you have a child, you can leave it to a relative of a large family. In rural towns, there are always heavy sitters.

NIKKA, now 24, was also a babysitter. That's why the way children are treated is good.

I think it's a great country.


Shooting and direction: NIKKA PAGUTALUNAN

Shooting equipment: The cheapest smartphone

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番外編514.From Philippines10. Balagtasの公設市場

2021年12月21日 | field work



Google mapで確認するとBalagtasは、ピットピタンから15km以上離れている。Balagtas Public Marketのようだ。我が国の言い方をすれば函館や金沢などで見られる公設市場だ。画像をみれば、豊富な食材に囲まれた特異な空間だ。











(In English)

Balagtas public market

According to a NIKKA message, it was a Balagtas supermarket.

According to Google map, Balagtas is more than 15km away from Pitpitan. It looks like Balagtas Public Market. In Japan, it is a public market found in Hakodate and Kanazawa. Looking at the image, it is a unique space surrounded by abundant ingredients.

I think the appeal of the public market is universal when you are accustomed to the way ingredients are carved and packaged like in a large Japanese supermarket.

Balagtas is a big city with a large Robinson supermarket nearby. However, it is probably the public market that is bustling.

NIKKA commented, "It's too big!"

This blog also previously covered the Malolos public market (April 3-5, 2019). A large number of pig heads and chunks of meat are lined up and carved at the storefront. I was deeply moved and remembered that I was busy shooting a wide market.

From Pitpitan, Malolos is in the eastern direction and Balagtas is in the northwestern direction.

The Philippines is an island country and has a population of 110 million, which is a nation of a similar size to Japan. However, the difference is that the public market is more prosperous than large supermarkets.


Shooting and direction: NIKKA PAGUTALUNAN

Shooting equipment: The cheapest smartphone

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番外編513.From Philippines9.  日本が失った街頭の風景

2021年12月20日 | field work












(In English)

It's a landscape where many children are crowded, engrossed in the stage, and laughing constantly.

The images taken by NIKKA showed the scenery of such a city. The smiles of the children are very wonderful. It was the setting for clowns, sorcerers and puppet shows. It's a fantastic dream stage.

Looking back, shortly after the war, there was a street TV in Japan, and all the children were watching. And now Japan is a landscape that can no longer be seen.

In the first place, there is no opportunity for children to get together in Japan today. It is a modern society with a strong consciousness that it is not good to get together in a pandemic.

There is also a pandemic in the Philippines. Fortunately, there are no infected people in this city. That is probably because there are no outside visitors.

Even if the world is pandemic, this is the only dream stage where clowns and sorcerers dance. That smile will be a property of the world.


Shooting and direction: NIKKA PAGUTALUNAN

Shooting equipment: The cheapest smartphone

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番外編512.From Philippines8. セカンドハウス

2021年12月19日 | field work













3DCGデザイン:strata 3D CX 8J、VUE2019


(In English)

What kind of design would you like to build a house in the Philippines?

There was my curiosity there.

That doesn't make me interested in fake American architecture, which has a lot of rooms in the area.

So I designed the simulation and made it into an image.

With this image, the room will be very bright, well-ventilated, and you will be able to live comfortably. However, you must be prepared for a wire mesh to avoid thieves from entering the window.

Compared to the surrounding fake American-style homes, this home is low in construction. So from the eyes of the townspeople, it looks like a small house. Hold it low and don't be arrogant.

Therefore, the ceiling height in the room was lowered to reduce the height of the building.

By doing this, the design will be a little wider. This method followed the method of Japanese architect Junzo Yoshimura.

With such a design, I think it's okay to build a second house in BULCAN. The first floor is an apartment, so if you rent it, you will be able to pay the management fee.

When I think of such a convenience, I would like to build it someday.


3DCG design: strata 3D CX 8J, VUE 2019

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番外編511.From Philippines7.  セカンドハウス

2021年12月18日 | field work






















 建築設計:MIKAMI Noriaki


(In English)

I was chatting with Mr. S.

"The site of my parents'house is large. I think another house will be built on the road side. I will make the first floor a rental studio and give it to my parents' house. So let's make an atelier on the second floor ..."

I was talking about that.

Is S going to set up her new home with her? She ridiculed me.

I designed the architecture for the purpose of simulation.

When I made the blueprints, I learned a little about the climate of the Philippines.

According to the Köppen climate classification, the Philippines has a tropical monsoon climate (Am). There is a rainy season and a weak dry season. The rainy season is from June to November. Even though it is the rainy season, it does not rain every day.

A typhoon has also arrived, and it is understood locally as "A, B, C letters". In other words, A: uring = well-known, B: bising = wind and rain make a heavy noise, C: crising = typhoon is approaching. It's a very easy-to-understand indicator that it's dangerous, evacuate!

After that, I checked the westerlies every day, and it seems that they are blowing from the northwest direction as in Japan. If you incorporate the westerlies into your architecture, you will have a well-ventilated house. Let's use this as a clue for architectural design.

Looking at Fipin's real estate advertisements, the number of rooms is the same as in Japan. I have experienced that the architectural space with small rooms is very difficult to live in. In the Philippines, only small rooms can be air-conditioned. That's a question to me.

Therefore, I made a studio-type architectural design.

The studio type is a well-ventilated space with open windows, and the idea is to cool the entire house if cooling is required. Therefore, there is no partition wall in the room. If you need privacy, block it with an eye-high partition. Work near your bed. If you get tired, you can do it. The kitchen is a center kitchen, and the style is to face the living room. Thinking about it like that, it became a very easy-to-use house.

The equipment was found to be able to obtain water and electricity. You need a water tank and an elevated water tank. Drainage is discharged live. Set up a sewage tank as it makes the environment unclean. The gas will be a propane cylinder. Now, will the Internet be captured by a WiFi router?

With that in mind, the design of a mountain lodge-style house was completed.

The first floor is an RC statue and the second floor is a wooden structure.

The area is ...

1Floor: 51.84㎡

2F Floor: 71.28㎡

Total: 123.12㎡

The construction cost is about 5 million yen for land and 5 million yen for construction.

Since it is not possible to build with this drawing alone, we must consider structural design, equipment design, and local construction supervision.

Therefore, this house will never actually be built, so this is the end of the work.

Architectural design: MIKAMI Noriaki

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番外編510.From Philippines6. フィリピンの風土

2021年12月17日 | field work












(In English)

According to the Köppen climate classification, the Philippines has a tropical monsoon climate (Am). There is a rainy season and a weak dry season. The rainy season is from June to November. The rainy season does not mean that it rains every day due to the stationary front like the rainy season in Japan. So there are also sunny days.

If it continues to rain, the roads will be flooded with water because it is a sewerage facility in a poorly drained city, and it will infiltrate into the house, and the water will not disappear from the surroundings of the house until it dries. In other words, underfloor flooding is occurring.

The cause may be that there is no sewage drainage facility in the urban infrastructure, or the capacity is small. That's why the city is flooded with rainwater.

A characteristic phenomenon during the rainy season is a typhoon. Typhoons are locally understood as "A, B, C letters". In other words, A: uring = well-known, B: bising = wind and rain make a heavy noise, C: crising = typhoon is approaching. It's an easy-to-understand indicator that it's dangerous, evacuate!

However, the rainy season enables rice cultivation, and rice is the staple food. That may be the reason why it resembles the scenery of Japan. However, the seasoning is spicy with spices.

Looking at such a landscape reminds me of old Japan. Of course, not only sewage facilities but also large families and many children can be seen. That is the characteristic of the Philippines, the past that Japan has abandoned.


Shooting and direction: NIKKA PAGUTALUNAN

Shooting equipment: The cheapest smartphone


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