Creator's Blog,record of the Designer's thinking


番外編517.From Philippines13. クリスマスイブ

2021年12月24日 | field work





NIKKAのコメントによれば、「ブラカンブラカンの広場とブラカンブラカン教会です。教会の名前は「Neustra Señora De la Asuncion」で、毎年12月15日に多くの人が教会の夜を過ごします。それが教会の夜が始まる日です。そして12月24日まで実行されます」。教会を中心に、こうした賑いがクリスマス・イブまで続く。

そしてフィリピンの家々では12月15日から24日迄、料理をつくり家族や親戚達とこの期間をいわう"Nuch buena para sa Dispiras"だ。NIKKAは料理の買い出し前に、教会の風景を届けてくれた。それは日本のお正月のようでもある。




(In English)

Christmas Eve

In December, the decoration of the city will be Christmas specifications. I saw such a landscape on Fifth Avenue in New York. Naturally, this city should be gorgeous because it is the Philippines that has absorbed American culture.

Bracan's Plaza Park is also Christmas specs. Even though it's December, when you look at the people in these light clothes, it's still a southern country.

I asked NIKKA to take a picture of the Philippines at that time! While continuing to shoot, NIKKA crashed into the wall of a private house in a motorcycle accident. That's why I can't walk for a while.

If I was thinking of giving up the scenery of Christmas Eve, NIKKA took a picture of the city of Christmas with an attendant.

According to NIKKA's comment, "Bulacan Bulacan Square and Bulacan Bulacan Church. The name of the church is" Neustra Señora De la Asuncion "and many people spend the night of the church on December 15th every year. That is the day when the church night begins. And it will run until December 24th. " Centered around the church, this bustle continues until Christmas Eve.

And in Filipino houses, from December 15th to 24th, it is "Nuch buena para sa Dispiras", which cooks food and talks with family and relatives during this period. NIKKA delivered the scenery of the church before shopping for food. It's also like the New Year in Japan.

God bless the people of NIKKA and BULACAN.

Shooting and direction: NIKKA PAGUTALUNAN

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