Creator's Blog,record of the Designer's thinking


番外編510.From Philippines6. フィリピンの風土

2021年12月17日 | field work












(In English)

According to the Köppen climate classification, the Philippines has a tropical monsoon climate (Am). There is a rainy season and a weak dry season. The rainy season is from June to November. The rainy season does not mean that it rains every day due to the stationary front like the rainy season in Japan. So there are also sunny days.

If it continues to rain, the roads will be flooded with water because it is a sewerage facility in a poorly drained city, and it will infiltrate into the house, and the water will not disappear from the surroundings of the house until it dries. In other words, underfloor flooding is occurring.

The cause may be that there is no sewage drainage facility in the urban infrastructure, or the capacity is small. That's why the city is flooded with rainwater.

A characteristic phenomenon during the rainy season is a typhoon. Typhoons are locally understood as "A, B, C letters". In other words, A: uring = well-known, B: bising = wind and rain make a heavy noise, C: crising = typhoon is approaching. It's an easy-to-understand indicator that it's dangerous, evacuate!

However, the rainy season enables rice cultivation, and rice is the staple food. That may be the reason why it resembles the scenery of Japan. However, the seasoning is spicy with spices.

Looking at such a landscape reminds me of old Japan. Of course, not only sewage facilities but also large families and many children can be seen. That is the characteristic of the Philippines, the past that Japan has abandoned.


Shooting and direction: NIKKA PAGUTALUNAN

Shooting equipment: The cheapest smartphone


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