
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・44 群馬大學 2014 (2) 1パラ

2014-07-14 | 出題英文讀解

     Most of what we learn, we learn through language.  This is true even of our commonsense knowledge, all that we learn before, and outside of, our schooling; but it is especially true of educational knowledge.  Language is so central to the whole of the educational process that its role was never even talked about, since no-one could conceive of education without it.



1.1  Most of what we learn, we learn through language.


[意味把握チェック]  1.1 私たちが學ぶことの大部分は、言語を通じて學ぶのである。



・learn の目的語(most of what we learn)が前に置かれてゐます。


1.2  This is true even of our commonsense knowledge, all that we learn before, and outside of, our schooling; but it is especially true of educational knowledge.


[意味把握チェック]  1.2 このことは、私たちの常識的な知識、言ひ換へれば、學校教育を受けるまへと學校外で學ぶ全て(の知識)にも當てはまるのだが、(學校)教育で學ぶ知識には特に當てはまる。



・言ひ換へのコンマ: all that we learn before, and outside of, our schooling は our commonsense knowledge を角度を變へて言ひ換へたものでせう。

・before our schooling and outside of our schooling を縮めて述べたと考へるとわかりやすいかもしれません。





be true of ~



1.3  Language is so central to the whole of the educational process that its role was never even talked about, since no-one could conceive of education without it.


[意味把握チェック]  1.3 言語は教育の全過程に對してあまりに中心的なものであるから、その役割については語られることさへなかつた、言語拔きの教育など誰も想像することができなかつたから。



・〈so ~ that 〉: 「非常に~なので…」


The explosion was so small that no one even noticed it.


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