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・46 秋田縣立大學 2014 (6) 5パラ

2014-09-19 | 出題英文讀解

(5)  Landscape transformation often mirrors social and economic changes.  How have satoyama landscapes been altered as Japan has gone from an agrarian8 society, sustained by locally managed and produced bioresources, to an industrialized urban society dependant on imported fossil fuels and associated products?  According to leading satoyama landscape ecologists, the fuel and fertilizer revolutions of the 1960s led to two distinctive patterns of degradation9.  Satoyama landscapes disappeared as urban sprawl10 and large scale development changed the traditional rural landscapes.  On the other hand, in rural areas far from expanding cities, depopulation combined with aging of the residents has resulted in the abandonment of secondary woodland and farmland and the resulting underuse of bioresources.

  注  8agrarian  農業の  9degradation  退廃  10urban sprawl  都市スプロール(都市化が徐々に無秩序に広がっていくこと)




問6  According to paragraph (5), the fuel and fertilizer revolutions of the 1960s did NOT lead to [     ].

イ  a change in traditional rural landscapes

ロ  expanding cities

ハ  population growth in rural areas far from cities

ニ  urban sprawl and large scale development


問7  According to paragraph (5), one of the two patterns of satoyama degradation was the [     ].

イ  increased dependence on imported fossil fuel

ロ  underuse of bioresources

ハ  disappearance of urban sprawl

ニ  aging of urban residents



5.1  Landscape transformation often mirrors social and economic changes.


[意味把握チェック]  5.1 地形の變容はしばしば社會や經濟の變化を反映する。


5.2  How have satoyama landscapes been altered as Japan has gone from an agrarian society, sustained by locally managed and produced bioresources, to an industrialized urban society dependant on imported fossil fuels and associated products?


[意味把握チェック]  5.2 日本が、農業社會(地域で管理・生産される生物資源により支へられる)から、輸入化石燃料とそれに結びついた産品(/關聯製品)に頼る産業都市社會へと移行するに際して、里山(相)はどのやうに變へられてきたのか。



・文構造について: 過去分詞句 sustained ~は an agrarian society の説明、形容詞句 dependant ~は an industrialized urban society の説明として置かれてゐるやうに見えます。


5.3  According to leading satoyama landscape ecologists, the fuel and fertilizer revolutions of the 1960s led to two distinctive patterns of degradation.


[意味把握チェック]  5.3 指導的な里山(相)生態學者の言ふところによると、1960年代の燃料及び肥料の大變革により、ふたつの際立つた退廢パターン(が生ずる)に到つた。



5.3     according to ~         ~のいふところによれば / ~に應じて

5.3     lead to ~                   (事が)(ある結果:~)に到る


5.4  Satoyama landscapes disappeared as urban sprawl and large scale development changed the traditional rural landscapes.


[意味把握チェック]  5.4 都市スプロール(/都市の無秩序擴大)と大規模開發が昔ながらの田園の樣相を變貌させるに際して(/つれて)、里山(相)は姿を消した。


5.5  On the other hand, in rural areas far from expanding cities, depopulation combined with aging of the residents has resulted in the abandonment of secondary woodland and farmland and the resulting underuse of bioresources.


[意味把握チェック]  5.5 他方、擴大中の都市から遠い田園地帶では、住人の高齡化と組み合はさつた人口減少により、二次森や農地が放棄され、結果的に生物資源利用が減少すること(/結果)となつてゐる。



5.5     on the other hand    他方/別の面から言へば

5.5     result in ~                 ~に終はる / ~に歸着する/~といふ結果になる




問6  According to paragraph (5), the fuel and fertilizer revolutions of the 1960s did NOT lead to [     ]. (第5パラグラフによると、1960年代の燃料及び肥料の大變革によつて~といふ結果には到らなかつた)

イ  a change in traditional rural landscapes (昔ながらの田園風景の變化)

ロ  expanding cities (都市の擴大)

ハ  population growth in rural areas far from cities (都市から遠い田園地帶の人工増加)

ニ  urban sprawl and large scale development (都市スプロールと大規模開發)



問7  According to paragraph (5), one of the two patterns of satoyama degradation was the [     ]. (第5パラグラフによると、里山退廢のふたつのパターンのひとつは~であつた)

イ  increased dependence on imported fossil fuel (輸入化石燃料への益々の依存)

ロ  underuse of bioresources (生物資源利用の減少)

ハ  disappearance of urban sprawl (都市スプロールの消滅)

ニ  aging of urban residents (都市住人の高齡化)


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