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・43 慶應義塾大學 2013 (5) 4パラ

2014-06-27 | 出題英文讀解

     Much of the research of the past 40 or 50 years has examined which therapies to use and how to use them.  Which medication is appropriate, and for how long and at what dosage should it be administered?  Which procedure is suitable for this patient?  What is the benefit of this procedure over that?  These are all questions commonly asked and that can now be regularly and reliably answered.  Treatment guidelines for many diseases are published, available, and regularly used.  And despite concerns and lamentations about “cookbook medicine,” these guidelines, which are based on an ever-growing foundation of evidence, have been amply demonstrated to save lives.  Such evidence-based medicine allows individual patients to benefit from the thoughtful application of what has been shown to be the most effective therapy for their particular condition.



5 According to the fourth paragraph of the passage, are the following statements true or false?  On the answer sheet, indicate those you consider to be true with an A, and those you think are false with a B.  If you think it is impossible to tell from the paragraph whether a particular statement is true or false, indicate this with a C.

   The selection of treatments appropriate to the needs of individual patients is a widely studied area.

  イ  Researchers have been trying unsuccessfully for many years to answer the commonly asked questions cited in this paragraph.

  ウ  The treatment guidelines compiled so far are widely applied in clinical practice.

    The efficacy of “cookbook medicine” is questionable.

    “Cookbook medicine” is an example of evidence-based medicine.

    Evidence-based medicine protects against the development of disease.



4.1  Much of the research of the past 40 or 50 years has examined which therapies to use and how to use them.


[意味把握チェック]  4.1 過去四、五十年の研究の多くが、どの療法を用ゐるべきか、それらをどのやうに施すべきかを檢證してきた。



・〈疑問詞+to-不定詞〉が動詞の目的語になつてゐます。このかたちは疑問詞で疑問を提起し、不定詞句が疑問について補完説明するものです。例文を拙稿「英文讀解のヒント (3)」(2014年5月14日付)に掲げてゐます。


4.2  Which medication is appropriate, and for how long and at what dosage should it be administered?


[意味把握チェック]  4.2 どの藥物治療が適切なのか、そしてどれほどの期間に、どれほどの(投藥)量で、藥物治療が施されるべきなのか?



・it は medication を指してゐます。


4.3  Which procedure is suitable for this patient?


[意味把握チェック]  4.3 この患者にはどの(治療)方法(/處置)が適してゐるのか?


4.4  What is the benefit of this procedure over that?


[意味把握チェック]  4.4 この(治療)方法にはあの方法に優るどんな利點があるのか?



・that のあとに procedure が省略されてゐます。


4.5  These are all questions commonly asked and that can now be regularly and reliably answered.


[意味把握チェック]  4.5 これらはすべて一般的に問はれる疑問であり、今日きちんとまた信頼性をもつて答へることができる。


4.6  Treatment guidelines for many diseases are published, available, and regularly used.


[意味把握チェック]  4.6 多くの病氣の治療指針が公表され、利用可能で、いつも使はれてゐる。


4.7  And despite concerns and lamentations about “cookbook medicine,” these guidelines, which are based on an ever-growing foundation of evidence, have been amply demonstrated to save lives.


[意味把握チェック]  4.7 (いはゆる)『料理本醫療』に關する懸念や嘆きにも拘らず、これらの(治療)指針は、絶えず増加してゐる證據の土臺にもとづいてゐるものであり、生命を救ふことが十分に實證されてきた。



・cookbook medicine は、治療指針に則つた治療を忠實に行なふ醫療を指してゐるのでせう。treatment guidelines を料理本の recipe に喩へてゐるものと思はれます。



4.7      demonstrate ~ to-不定詞          ~といふことを證明する


4.8  Such evidence-based medicine allows individual patients to benefit from the thoughtful application of what has been shown to be the most effective therapy for their particular condition.


[意味把握チェック]  4.8 そのやうな證據にもとづく醫療(/醫學)により、個々の患者にはその病状に對して最も效果的だと證明されてゐる治療を注意深く適用することで、恩惠がもたらされて(/患者のためになつて)ゐるのである。



4.8      benefit from ~         ~によつて利益を得る

4.8      show ~ to be …      ~が…であると證明する




5 According to the fourth paragraph of the passage, are the following statements true or false?  On the answer sheet, indicate those you consider to be true with an A, and those you think are false with a B.  If you think it is impossible to tell from the paragraph whether a particular statement is true or false, indicate this with a C. (文の第4パラグラフによると、次に述べられてゐることは眞實であるか或は虚僞であるか?解答用紙に、眞實だと考へるものをAで、虚僞だと思ふものをBで示せ。その陳述の眞僞がこのパラグラフからは言へないと思ふなら、Cでこのことを示せ)

○○○  ア  The selection of treatments appropriate to the needs of individual patients is a widely studied area. (個々の患者の必要とするところにふさはしい治療の選擇は廣く研究されてゐる領域である)※ 4.1を中心に、このパラグラフの前半で述べてゐます。

×××  イ  Researchers have been trying unsuccessfully for many years to answer the commonly asked questions cited in this paragraph. (研究者たちは長年、このパラグラフに引用されてゐる一般的な質問に答へようとしてきたもののうまくいつてゐない)※ 4.5に矛盾します。

○○○  ウ  The treatment guidelines compiled so far are widely applied in clinical practice. (これまで集積された治療指針は臨床業務でひろく適用されてゐる)※ 4.6、4.8に一致します。

×××  エ  The efficacy of “cookbook medicine” is questionable. (『料理本醫療』の有效性は疑はしい)※ 4.7、4.8に反します。

○○  オ  “Cookbook medicine” is an example of evidence-based medicine. (『料理本醫療』は證據に基づいた醫療のひとつの例である)※ 4.7に一致します。

△  カ  Evidence-based medicine protects against the development of disease. (證據に基づいた醫療は病氣の進行を防ぐ)※この内容は述べられてゐませんから、眞僞の判斷はできません。


ア-A   イ-B   ウ-A   エ-B   オ-A   カ-C