
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・青山學院大學 2010 (10) 8パラ

2011-09-09 | 出題英文讀解


8.1  In Japan, anyone who possesses a car has to pay an ownership tax, insurance premium and a parking charge (if they don’t own a space).



 8.1   premium           發音注意


[意味] 8.1  日本では、車を所有する人は誰でも、自動車所有税(自動車重量税)、保險料、駐車場代(駐車スペースを持つてゐなければ)を支拂はなければならない。


8.2  Moreover, every passenger car is subject to vehicle inspection every two years following its initial three-year registration period.





subject to

~を必要とする / ~を條件とする



every two years

二年毎に ( two years をまとめて、それに every をつけた表現です)


[意味] 8.2  そのうへ、すべての乘用車は、最初の3年の登録期間に續いて2年毎に車檢を必要とする。


8.3  For some people, especially those living in congested major urban areas with good public transportation, automobile ownership is not worth these costs.


[意味] 8.3  一部の人々、特に公共交通機關の發達した、人口の密集した主要都市區域に住む人々には、自動車の所有がこれらの經費に見合ふ價値を持たない。


8.4  As a result, cars are used primarily by housewives for shopping and taking children to school, and for outings during the summer and winter vacation seasons.





as a result



[意味] 8.4  その結果、車は主として主婦によつて買物や子どもの登校、それに夏冬の休暇時期に出かけるために使はれてゐる。



[用例]  worth



  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  Blondie? What happened to my socks? This is all your stuff in here!

  Blondie? ぼくのソックスはどうしたんだ?この(引出しの)中はみんな君のものだよ」


1  I needed more space, so I put your socks in with your underwear.



2  You know, out of six drawers in this chest, you’ve got four and I’ve got two.



3  That’s because half the things you’ve got aren’t worth wearing.
