


2011-03-15 20:02:16 | 多文化共生
Emergency Evacuation Order
Although the situation of the Fukushima Nuclear Plant is really serious, both of our national & municipal governments are doing all their best for its recovery. Let’s unite our strength and hang in there.
The National Government announced the followings at 11:15 AM on March 15:
■Those who are staying inside the range of 20km from Fukushima No.1Nuclear Power Plant, please evaluate immediately.
■Those who are in between 20~30km from Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant:
①Never go outside.
②Never open the door or windows. Keep out the air from outside.
③Do not hang the laundry outside. Do not bring the laundry from outside.

If you have to go outside by any reason, cover your mouth and nose with the towel wrung out with water.

This announcement is made according to the present situation of Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant.
Radioactive materials are emitted inside the nuclear power plant. The amount of radioactive materials decreases if you go further away from the plant. Please act calmly.

※Municipalities within 20~30km from the nuclear plant are as follows:
Tamura City, Minami-Soma City, Kouno City, Naraba-machi, Tomioka-cho, Sendai-mura, Futaba-cho, Namie-machi, Kuzuo-mura, IIdate-mura, Iwaki City

