kuringo's Blog



2018年08月19日 17時32分00秒 | 日記



single-use :使い捨ての
dramatic :〔言動が〕大げさな、芝居がかった
point of no return :引き返し限界点、帰還[復帰]不能点、もはや後ろに引けない局面
It's now or never. :今が(最後の)チャンスだ。今を逃したらもう後がない。
oily :〈軽蔑的〉お世辞たらたらの、舌先三寸の
game changer :《a ~》大変革をもたらす人[企業]、形勢を一変させる[試合の流れを変える

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Daily Routine

2018年08月19日 13時03分57秒 | 日記

Push-ups :23 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :11 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for seven years and two hundred and fifty-three days in a row.
I was also able to keep 23-time push-ups for the eighth successive day and
over 12-time push-ups for the sixty-sixth straight day.

It is cloudy in Nagoya and since the clouds are blocking the scorching sunlight,
temperatures are not so high but I feel the humidity is high.
I feel happy to think that those deadly sizzling days with higher-than-body-heat
temperatures will no longer come again.
However, I may have to be careful about the two coming typhoons.
Anyway, the canker pain is finally disappearing....What a relief!

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