kuringo's Blog



2018年08月11日 18時54分22秒 | 日記



minimalism :〔一般に〕ミニマリズム、ミニマリスム◆必要最小限の要素により作品を構成しようと
Desperate times call for desperate measures. :非常時には非常手段が必要だ。/事態が極端だと
that much :それだけ、そんなにたくさん
invariably :いつも、常に、必ず、相も変わらず
Lucky me. :良かった。/ついてた。
do with :~を処置する、~をどうにかする

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Daily Routine

2018年08月11日 13時23分20秒 | 日記

Push-ups :22 times
Walking :a total of 80 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

Seven years and two hundred and forty-five days in a row have passed since I quit smoking.
I was able to keep 22-time push-ups for the fourteenth consecutive day and
at least 13-time push-ups for the fifty-eighth successive day.

The predicted highest temperature today is only 35 degrees, down as many
as about 3 degrees from the previous day.
Actually 35-degree weather is surely dangerous, but I feel it's mild because
I can much more easily take breath than when I do so under an over 36-degree weather.
Anyway, the highest temperatures will be getting lower and lower little by little.
In order to beat the heat, I may have to make some plans to do something interesting in fall.

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