

年代測定学の洋書6.化石人類の地質背景(Geological Background to Fossil Man)

2013年07月10日 | K4.年代測定学の洋書[Dating:Foreign
Geological Background to Fossil Man Geological Background to Fossil Man
価格:¥ 3,888(税込)

 この『Geological Background to Fossil Man』は、地質学者のウォルター・ウィリアム・ビショップ(Walter William BISHOP)[1931-1977]さんによる編で、主に東アフリカの地質や年代について書かれた論文集です。直訳すると「化石人類の地質背景」となるでしょうか。1978年に、スコットランドアカデミックプレスとトロント大学出版から出版されました。なお、本書はビショップさんの死後に出版されており、冒頭には追悼文が掲載されています。



  • Rifting in East Africa and large-scale tectonic processes(E. Ronald Oxburgh)
  • Structural development of the East African Rift System(Robert M. Shackleton)
  • Structural and volcanic evolution of the Gregory Rift Valley(Basil C. King)
  • Character of Quaternary volcanism in the Gregory Rift Valley(Laurence A. J. Williams)
  • Geophysical investigations and the Rift Valley geology in Kenya(M. Aftab Khan & Chritopher J. Swain)

パートⅡ.Background:Palaeontological and Archaeological Problems

  • Taphonomical background to fossil man:problems in palaeoecology(Andrew Hill)
  • A statistical approach to temporal biostratigraphy(R. T. Shuey・Frank H. Brown・G. G. Eck・F. Clark Howell)
  • Allometry and hominid studies(Bernard A. Wood)
  • The first geologists:the archaeology of the original rock breakers(Glynn LL. Isaac)

パートⅢ.Regional Studies in the Gregory Rift Valley

A.Olduvai Gorge and Laetolil, Tanzania; Olorgesailie, Kenya

  • Olduvai Gorge 1911-1975:a history of the investigations(Mary D. Leakey)
  • Fossil hominids from the Laetolil Beds, Tanzania(Mary D. Leakey・R. L. Hay・C. H. Curtis・R. E. Drake・M. K. Jackes・T. D. White)
  • Geological Map of the Olorgesailie Area, Kenya(Robert M. Shackleton)
  • The Olorgesailie Formation:Stratigraphy, tectonics and the palaeogeographic context of the Middle Pleistocene archaeological sites(Glynn LL. Isaac)

B.The Lake Baringo Basin, Kenia

  • Chronostratigraphy of the Baringo Basin, Kenya(Gregory R. Chapman & Maureen Brook)
  • Preliminary observations on the palaeomagnetic stratigraphy of the area west of Lake Baringom Kenya(Peter Dagley・Alan E. Mussett・H. C. Palmer)
  • Geology, palaeoenvironments and vertebrae faunas of the mid-Miocene Ngorora Formationm Kenya(Martin H. L. Pickford)
  • Stratigraphy and mammalian palaeontology of the late-Miocene Lukeino Formation, Kenya(Martin H. L. Pickford)
  • Fossil Hippopotamidae from the Baringo Basin and relationships within the Gregory Rift, Kenya(Shirley Cameron Coryndon)
  • Fossil Bovidae of the Baringo Area, Kenya(Alan W. Gentry)
  • Chesowanja:A revised geological interpretation(William Bishop・Andrew Hill・Martin Pickford)
  • Geological framework of the Kilombe Acheulian archaeological site, Kenya(Walter W. Bishop)
  • Kilombe:an Achuelian site complex in Kenya(John A. J. Gowlett)
  • Geological setting of the hominid fossils and Acheulian artifacts from the kapthurin Formation, Baringo District, Kenya(Peter W. J. Tallon)

C.The Lake Turkana (Rudolf) Basin, Kenya and Ethiopia

  • The early history of the Turkana depression(Robert J. G. Savage & Peter G. Williamson)
  • Stratigraphy, sedimentray facies and palaeoenvironments, East Lake Turkana, Kenya(Carl F. Vondra & Bruce E. Bowen)
  • Isochronous surfaces within the Plio-Pleistocene sediments east of Lake Turkana, Kenya(Ian C. Findlater)
  • Correlation of Plio-Pleistocene sequences in the northern Lake Turkana Basin:a summary of evidence and issues(Anna K. Behrensmeyer)
  • Geochronological problems and radioisotopic dating in the Gregory Rift Valley(Frank J. Fitch・Paul J. Hooker・John A. Miller)
  • Age of KBS Tuff in Koobi Fora Formation, East Lake Turkana, Kenya(G. H. Curtis・R. E. Drake・T. E. Cerling・B. W. Cerling・J. H. Hampel)
  • Magneto-stratigraphy east of Lake Turkana and at Olduvai Gorge:a brief summary(Andrew Brock)
  • Observation on problems of correlation of late Cenozoic hominid-bearing formations in the North Lake Turkana Basin(F. H. Brown・F. Clark Howell・G. G. Eck)
  • Evolution of the hominids and of their environment during the Plio-Pleistocene in the lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia(Yves Coppens)
  • Evidence for the major features and development of Rift Palaeolakes in the Neogene of East Africa from certain aspects of lacustrine mollusc assemblages(Peter G. Williamson)
  • Aspects of early Pleistocene hominid behaviour east of Lake Turkana, Kenya(John W. K. Harris & Ingrid Herbich)

D.The Afar Area, Ethiopia

  • Geological framework of the Pliocene Hadar Formation (Afar, Ethiopia) with notes on palaeontology including hominids(Don C. Johanson・Maurice Taieb・B. T. Gray・Yves Coppens)


