なんとかなるもんだよZUYAさん! ( Hey, ZUYA. You Can Do It! ) 

『なんてこったいZUYAさん!!』をVersion Up.“崖っぷちブルーズマン”ZUYA(ずうや)の悲喜交々を綴る。


2016年05月30日 | English

アメリカに住むカナダ人の友人からメールが届いた。彼は Sue Foley のツアーバンドのメンバーで来日して以来、日本の文化に大変興味を持っている。そんなわけもあり出逢ってから実に長く深い付き合いで、彼がアメリカ移住後にも何度か自宅を訪問したこともある(2回目は嫁も一緒でした)



※せっかくなので Facebook やこちらにもあげようと思いますが、これは非常にセンシティヴな問題です。あくまでも個人的な見解を述べているだけなので、一部の個人や団体を攻撃や誹謗中傷するものではないと言うことをご了承いただきたいです。


Each country has various opinions about his visit and speech. Also each person does. There are many ones in Japan, too.

As to me, as he won't be the next president, it was kind of political performance he put his political life on the line. I felt he is one of human being rather than is a politician that time. Yes, I can say, ”Thank you for visiting” and I don’t think he needed the apology. That was the war, you know.

It's not very easy to eliminate nuclear weapons like he says in his speech. So I don't think what he did this time has a dramatic effect for provide impetus. But I'm sure it's very important to go forward, even a tiny step.

Nowadays people can criticize the government (or others) very easily by inter-net. Of course,half of them may be worth, the others must be just trash.

I think governing is not easy. (Of course, I’ve never done it.) Politician has to listen to the minority and sometimes don' t have to do it. I mean it’s very impossible for all people to be happy realistically. Sometimes I can see such kind of slogans to get followers (or money...) in town. Though I don't want to mention to “moneyed interests and the others here now, President Obama did innocuous visit and speech among them.

Though I don't know how much he made and will make great achievements for 8 years very well, there are big meanings that he is the first black U.S. president and the first U.S. President visited Hiroshima.

It's not easy to talk about the war, even a trouble in the neighborhood. ‘Cause each person has their own criteria for good and bad. Also each nation does.

One thing I can say now is ”No one has the right to harm to others”.



私個人的にはオバマ氏には"ありがとう"と言いたいです。もちろん 『 謝罪 』 はいらないと思います。それが“戦争”だったのですから。今回の訪問は政治的なパフォーマンスの一面のように見られるが、彼は次期大統領にはならないから個人的な気持ちの方が大きいとZUYAさんは感じました。

スピーチの中でも言っているが 『 核廃絶 』 は彼が生きている間にパッと無くなるような簡単な問題ではないし、このスピーチによって劇的変化が生まれるわけもない。でも前に向けて小さな一歩を進めることが大事なのではないのかと思います。



彼が大統領の任期8年間にどれほど業績を残せるかはわからないが、『 黒人が大統領になったこと 』 と 『 アメリカ大統領が広島に来たこと 』 には大きな意義があると思いますよ。



あ~あ...何でZUYAさんは Fender USA の入社試験、落ちたのかなぁ

Let me practice for an interview here...

2015年03月23日 | English

Thank you for coming to ZUYA's Fabulous blog.

It's English version this time.

There might be many strange word, sentence,etc.

Please don't mind! Just for practice, you know?

OK, Here we go!




Hi. How's goin', Folks?

I'm fine.

I'm little bit sleepy now. 'Cause I woke up at 4 a.m. this morning.

Sounds like crazy, eh?

I'll get the Phone interview of American company in a few days. It's all in English. And the company will be calling from the states. Yeah, we have a time lag between Japan and the states.

So I have to take the interview at 8 a.m. Crazy, eh?

That's why, I'm training to wake my brain up around this time completely.

I can read, write in English. But listening and talikng are more difficult for me. 'Cause I haven't talked with the people in English for a long time.

Since I passed the preliminary screening, I tried to call some my friends in Canada to remember how to do in English.

But I recognized "Talking with friends" is much different from "Talking at interview", you know.

Even in Japanese, too. Right?

Anyway, I don't have much time till the day. So all I can do is just remembering it as much as possible. And I'll do my best.


Of course, I can prepare some papers that I write important word, vocabulary,etc. on. That's good point on the phone interview, right? It will work well.

And I can guess some questions

My profile.

Why I apllied for this job

How much I know about the company

What I want to do in this company

and so on.

Of course I want to get this job and would make me happy.

But if I should fail it, no problem.

'Cause Callenging is important for my life, you know.

Oops, it's already 6:45 now!

I have to prepare the lunch box for my wife.

OK, I'm off.

Have a good day!

The Storm Is Gone... 嵐は去って...

2014年03月30日 | English

Yeah, the storm is gone earlier than I expected.

So I went out and walked around the neighborhood.

The area is well-known as the home of cherry blossom “Somei Yoshino”.

Whenever spring comes here, it makes me feel happy.

I love the people who live in this town, Komagome.

Also restaurants, food stores, folwer shops and anything.

Just one thing,

I'm sorry that I have no Canadian friends here.

お春さま、いらっしゃいませ... - with English Version - 

2014年03月30日 | English

3月28日早朝 駒込・染井神社








Dear Mr.(or Ms.) Spring

Welcome to Komagome Tokyo, Japan.

We've been longing for you.

Though you've just got here, it's Thunder storm today.

I also had a plan to watch Cherry blossom today.

Yeah, I know. It's sucks!

Please stick around and Don't go away!

これぞ正に“春”! This is just “Spring”!

こんなところにも~  Pretty, eh?

染井神社周辺にて around Somei shrine in Komagome