kuringo's Blog



2018年06月23日 21時48分37秒 | 日記



ruse :〔人をだますための〕策略、計略◆【同】trick
sit through :〔講義などを〕最後まで聞く
kick off :(立ち)去る、出発する
pull on one's dressing gown :部屋着を〔引っ張って〕着る
time after time :何度も何度も
supplementary exam :追試験、補充審査

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Daily Routine

2018年06月23日 13時07分56秒 | 日記

Push-ups :17 times
Walking :a total of 180 minutes
Standing on one foot :11 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for seven years and one hundred and ninety-six
days in a row.
I was also able to do greater than 12-time push-ups for the ninth consecutive
day including the latest three days of 17-time push-ups.

Yesterday I went to Gifu prefecture to enjoy walking on the nation's second
longest day of the year form JR Mizunami station to Takenami station via
Kamado station, which took about 2 hours and 30 minutes of walking time.
I've learned that I should not walk along a main road.
I mean I should not have walked along Nakasendo because the air was bad
and the noise was trrible as well as the drivers were stepping on the gas.
From Kamado station, I took a route of a country road and actually it was nice.

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