kuringo's Blog



2018年06月03日 17時28分49秒 | 日記



hibernation :冬眠、《コ》ハイバネーション、休止状態◆コンピュータの電源を切る直前の状態を
exemplary :他の模範となる、称賛すべき
singularity :特異性、並外れたこと、珍しいもの、風変わり、奇異、奇妙(なもの)
crowning glory :最後を飾る光栄、無上の光栄
all about :~に関するすべて
Can I have a word with you? :ちょっとお話があるのですが。

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Daily Routine

2018年06月03日 13時52分57秒 | 日記

Push-ups :19 times
Walking :a total of 83 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I have succeeded in preventing myself from smoking for seven years and one
hundred and seventy-six days in a row.
I was able to keep more than 9-time push-ups for the one year and twenty-
third consecutive day including the latest six days of 19-time push-ups.

It's greatly sunny again in Nagoya but very unhappily I cannot do a middle-
distance walking due mainly to a little busy schedule.

I've noticed a dream is what I can select but hope is what is only created
while I am making efforts to achieve the dream.
So, if I stop the efforts, then, hope disappears since the possibility for
the dream to come true disappears.

If hope disappears, then a sense of self-affirmation disappears, which
leads me to a worse situation where my humanity is getting more and more
despicable, for example, being easily angered and being callous about
other people's feelings ..... just like those persons at 1F tenant.
Oh, yes, surely, they cannot have a dream of becoming a good person.

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