kuringo's Blog



2015年10月26日 16時50分39秒 | 日記


acupuncture :鍼、鍼治療、鍼療法、刺鍼法◆【同】needle therapy
nauseous :〔人に〕吐き気を催させる、むかつかせる
redwood :《植物》アメリカスギ、セコイア◆【同】sequoia
shitter :〈卑俗〉トイレ、便所、下痢
cuddle :〔愛情を持って〕抱き締める[寄り添う]こと
significant other :〈米話〉大切な人◆結婚式などの招待状でよく使われる言葉で、通例、配偶者や恋人を指す。
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Daily Routine

2015年10月26日 12時19分26秒 | 日記
Push-ups:20 times
Walking:40+40 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

It has been four years and 322 days in a row since I broke my bad habit of smoking.
I called forth the courage and try doing push-ups from 20 times.
I felt relieved because I didn't feel any pain in my right wrist, and
I hope to continue push-ups as long as possible as I used to.

It's been getting colder and colder since Sunday and the lowest
temperature this morning was 8 degrees just like a winter day.
Since last Saturday was still a little summerlike, this temperature
difference is tough for my body.
I wore two more items of night clothing before going to bed.
I'm sure that's why I didn't catch a cold.
I mustn't forget "Carelessness is our greatest enemy."
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