kuringo's Blog



2015年10月21日 18時06分15秒 | 日記

                THE WASHINGTON POST :

rosy :〔将来などが〕成功が約束された、バラ色の
go through the roof :〈話〉〔価格などが〕限度を超えて上昇する、非常に高くなる、天井知らずに上がる
start-up :新興企業、新規事業
slow going :《be ~》〔主語の〕進行速度が遅い、〔主語の処理に〕手間取っている
behemoth :《聖書》ビヒモス◆聖書「ヨブ記」に登場するカバに似た巨獣、巨大なもの、巨大企業
withhold someone's name :氏名の公表を差し控える
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Daily Routine

2015年10月21日 11時59分24秒 | 日記
Push-ups:0 times
Walking:a total of 30 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for four years and 317 days in a row.
I'm not sure the pain in my wrist has gone completely, so I've elected
to avoid push-ups for a few more days.

It's sunny again in Nagoya and rice harvest is going on in earnest
here and there on my way to the workplce.
Actually, I have felt it a little hot these several days around my home zone,
and eventually I got some beer last night.^^;;;
I'm sure this autumn is warmer....or hotter....than usual.
Anyway, I have to enjoy such autumnal warmth.
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