「米韓首脳ぎくしゃく 記者を前に異様なやりとり」
7日の米韓首脳会談後、盧武鉉大統領が記者団の前でブッシュ大統領に対し、朝鮮戦争の終結宣言や平和協定締結の見通しを明言するよう迫り、ブッシュ大統領が困惑した表情を浮かべる一幕があった。記者の前では友好関係を演出するのが首脳会談の通例だが、異様にぎくしゃくしたやりとりとなり、両国の微妙な関係を浮き彫りにした。 雰囲気が変化したのは、盧大統領が平和協定締結の見通しを「明確に述べてほしい」と切り出してから。ブッシュ大統領は「(北朝鮮の)金正日次第だ」などとかわしたが、盧大統領は満足せず「金正日(国防)委員長や韓国国民はその次の話を聞きたい。もう少しはっきり言ってもらえれば…」とたたみかけた。
ブッシュ大統領は苦笑いしつつ、むっとした表情で「これ以上明確に話せない」と言明。同じ説明を繰り返した後「ありがとうございました」と握手を求め、強引に会談を打ち切った。 両政府は通訳上の問題があったようだと主張。「会談中も会談後も対立はなかった。みんな考えすぎだ」(ペリーノ米大統領副報道官)などと火消しに追われた。」
このペリーノのような人間を英語ではspin doctorという。マスコミ操作をする人である。
■いわば通訳者のせいにされているわけだが、この問題を扱った日本語のサイトは見あたらない。だれかやってくれよと思うのだが、仕方がないので材料だけまとめておくことにする。まず9月13日のLA Times (from AP)から。
Bush's talks with Roh focused on the six-nation talks to get North Korea to give up its weapons. Soon after the mini diplomatic incident, Christopher Hill, the U.S. envoy handling the negotiations, announced that nuclear experts from the U.S., China and Russia will travel to North Korea next week to survey nuclear facilities to be shut down.
Bush said that during his talks with Roh, he reaffirmed the U.S. position that when North Korean leader Kim Jong Il dismantles his nuclear program, the United States would formally end the Korean War.
Whatever Roh heard Bush say through his translator, it wasn't good enough.
"I think I did not hear President Bush mention the -- a declaration to end the Korean War just now," Roh said as cameras clicked and television cameras rolled.
Bush said he thought he was being clear, but obliged Roh and restated the U.S. position.
That wasn't good enough either. "If you could be a little bit clearer in your message," Roh said.
Bush, now looking irritated, replied: "I can't make it any more clear, Mr. President. We look forward to the day when we can end the Korean War. That will end -- will happen when Kim verifiably gets rid of his weapons programs and his weapons."
The White House immediately downplayed the testy exchange and said the meeting went smoothly.
"There was clearly something lost in translation," National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe said in a rushed e-mail to reporters.
"I really think the interpreter must not have conveyed the president's comments entirely clearly," Johndroe said. "The president made clear in his opening remarks that he told Roh that the U.S. is committed to a peace agreement once North Korea complies."