

Change of (in) Control条項について

2016-10-15 23:10:55 | 商事法務
〇 合弁契約に、当事者である株主にChange of Controlが発生したら、他方当事者はChange of Controlが生じた株主保有の合弁会社株式の買取権あるいは買取オプションを持つという条項を入れる場合がありますね。そういった事が起こる可能性が殆ど無い大規模企業間のときにも、弁護士さんによっては、余計な条項を書くのが得意な人の場合は入れるときもあります。この場合の簡単な例は以下ですね。

しかし、より頻繁にChange of Controlが言われる場合があります。こちらの場合はChange in Control Severance Agreement とか、Severance and Change in Control Agreementとして契約書として締結され契約当事者として個人が入ります。Severanceですから、Severance Package (Pay)として、がっぽり個人がお金を貰う契約ですね。経営者が流動的な米国ではPopularな契約ですが、日本やアジアの場合にはあまり見かけない契約ですね。今回はこのChange in Controlについてです。

Severance and Change in Control Agreementの場合は、必ずしも買収を仕掛けられて退職せざるを得ない場合だけではなく、Change in Controlによらない場合の退職金支払い、自己都合退職、業務遂行不能の場合の支払等も規定されます。しかし、買収を仕掛けられた時に、Executivesをやめさせるには多額の退職金の支払いを約束しておくことにより、買収予防効果をもつGolden parachuteもありますね。何十億円のお土産をもって、企業を見捨て自分だけパラシュートで脱出する米国らしいやり方です。見捨てられた従業員は、相変わらず企業に縛りついて働かなければなりませんね。

〇 合弁契約書中の簡単なChange in Control条項:
A Change of Control shall be deemed to have occurred if (i) a third party acquire a controlling interest (>50%) in Shareholder A or Shareholder B. ; (ii) there occurs a merger or recapitalization which results in any third party holding the single largest equity interest position in the entity surviving or resulting from such transaction; (iii) all or substantially all of the assets of the Shareholder A or B is sold, transferred, assigned, or otherwise disposed of to a third party; or (iv) a third party controls the composition of the majority of the members of the board of directors of a Shareholder.

○ Change in Controlの際の報酬支払条項の例:
Executive will receive the following severance benefits from the Company:
・Accrued Compensation.-これは既に発生しているけれどもまだ受け取っていない報酬なので当然受け取れますね。

・Severance Payment. Executive will receive a lump sum severance payment equal to twelve (12) months of Executive's base salary as in effect immediately prior to the date of Executive's termination of employment

・Target Bonus Payment. Executive will receive a lump sum severance payment equal to one hundred percent (100%) of Executive's full target bonus for the fiscal year in effect at the date of such termination of employment (or, if greater, as in effect for the fiscal year in which the Change in Control occurs).

・Continued Employee Benefits. If Executive elects continuation coverage pursuant to the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, as amended ("COBRA") for Executive and Executive's eligible dependents, within the time period prescribed pursuant to COBRA, the Company will reimburse Executive for the COBRA premiums for such coverage until the earlier of (A) a period of twelve (12) months from the last date of employment of Executive with the Company, or (B) the date upon which Executive and/or Executive's eligible dependents becomes covered under similar plans. Executiveに支払い保険料を返すということですね。この主保護は、従業員でもありますね。 解雇する従業員とその家族に対して、解雇された後一定期間(連邦COBRAは最長18ヶ月間、いくつかの州では+追加で18か月)、一定の条件下で、会社で入っていたグループ保険に入り続ける権利を与えなければならないというものです。解雇されると、健康保険の掛金は全部自分で払わなければなりませんが、個人で健康保険に入るより会社のグループ保険に入り続ける方が、掛金が安くてすむという大きなメリットがあります。

・Equity. Executive will be entitled to accelerated vesting as to one hundred percent (100%) of the then unvested portion of all of Executive's outstanding equity awards. In addition, Executive will have eighteen (18) months following any such termination of employment in which to exercise any stock options, stock appreciation rights, or similar rights to acquire Company common stock, but in no event will such equity award be permitted to be exercised beyond the earlier of the original maximum term of such equity award or ten (10) years from the original grant date of such equity award. 場合によっては、これが一番多額になるかも知れませんね。

・Outplacement Benefits. If requested by Executive, the Company will pay the expense for outplacement benefits provided by a service to be determined by the Company in its discretion for a period of six (6) months, up to a maximum dollar value of five thousand dollars ($5,000) following Executive's termination.こんなお世話もしてくれますね。


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