kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2013年05月24日 12時12分06秒 | 日記
Walking: 30 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each

I kept no-smoking for two years and 167 days in a row.
I planned to do walking yesterday but actually I felt a little pain in my left knee
and some fatigue in my legs, so I didn't.
I have to resume walking as part of preparation for a planned long-distance walking.
Weather reoprts say the day I planned the walking will be rainy.
So, I may have to postpone it although I have to prepare for it.
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Daily Routine

2013年05月23日 12時19分08秒 | 日記
Walking: a total of 130 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each

I could keep no-smoking for two yeas and 166 days in a row.
Yesterday I did a middle-distance walking from Yatomi JR station in Aich
Prefecture to Kanie JR station by way of Eiwa JR station.
I thought I needed nearly two hours, but actually it took about one and
a half hours.
The highest temperature was about 31 degrees, so I sometimes took isotonic
drink while walking along the route.
After walking, I felt something was wrong with my throat.
Anyway I hope to challenge a long-distance walking in the near future,
if possible.
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2013年05月22日 19時00分33秒 | 日記


medical examiner :監察医、検査医、検屍官、検死医、診査医、診断医、医学試験委員
swath :ひと刈りの面積、ひと刈りの幅、帯状を成すもの、広い道、長い列、特定の地域
National Guard :《米》国家警備隊、州兵
dig through rubble :瓦礫の山を掘り進む
wind shear :《気象》ウインド・シヤー◆急激な風速・風向の変動(Aircraft Owners and
       Pilots Associationの定義)。風と風がぶつかる所に発生する。ここに航空機が
National Weather Service :国立測候所◆【略】NWS
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Daily Routine

2013年05月22日 12時07分44秒 | 日記
Walking: 60 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each

I wish I had enough time to be here today.
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2013年05月21日 11時57分45秒 | 日記


public outcry :一般市民[一般大衆・一般の人々]の抗議
status quo :現状(維持)、原状、そのままの状態、以前の状態、旧態
conciliatory :融和的な、なだめるような、懐柔的な
consultancy :コンサルタント業、コンサルタント会社、顧問医師の職、相談
skew :斜めにする、ゆがめる、曲げる、歪曲させる
hope for :~を当てにする、期待する、待望する、予期する、望む、希望する
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Daily Routine

2013年05月21日 11時44分45秒 | 日記
Walking: 20+65=85 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each

I could keep no-smoking for two years and 164 days in a row.
It's greatly sunny today again and weather reports say the highest temperature will
be 31 degrees centigrade in Nagoya.
But because the humidity, unlike yesterday, is not-so abnormally high, I feel not-
so hot, honestly.
I'm planning to do a middle-distance walking tomorrow if the weather permits.
According to weather forecasts, tomorrow's highest temperature will be less than 30
degrees, so I may be able to do that...but it depends on tomorrow's humidity.
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Daily Routine

2013年05月20日 12時36分22秒 | 日記
Walking: 50 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each

I kept no-smoking for two years and 163 days in a row.
After a not-so-cold rain, it's got greatly sunny and beautiful today in Nagoya.
But actually I feel a little hot after a little walking from the nearest bus stop
to the work place here.
According to weather reports, the highest temperature on Wednesday will be around
30 degrees, so I might have to stop doing a planned middle-distance walking.
I'm afraid this year's springlike weather will never come back and summer heat
will have already come by this Wednesday.
I really want to enjoy crisp weather.....this prayer may go unanswered.
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2013年05月19日 19時06分42秒 | 日記


ill-timed :タイミングの悪い、あいにくの、時を得ない、折の悪い
embolden :励ます
anti-ship :《軍事》対艦、艦船攻撃用の◆敵の船を攻撃・探査する
contractual obligation :契約上の義務
bring together :引き合わせる、再会させる、呼び集める、和解させる
put together :(考えを)まとめる、考え合わせる、(出し物を)企画する、組み立てる
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Daily Routine

2013年05月19日 12時13分18秒 | 日記
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each

I could keep no-smoking for two years and 162 days in a row.
As a whole it's cloudy but sometimes sunny in the morning.
Now it looks like the amount of the cloud in the sky is steadily increasing.
It must be rainy soon just like yesterday's weather reports said.
The pain in my right elbow is actually disappearing, but the dindle in my right index
finger is still here....very persistent.
I'm really afraid the dindle will not disappear for the rest of my life.
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Daily Routine

2013年05月18日 12時11分55秒 | 日記
Walking: 40×2=80 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each

I kept no-smoking for two years and 161 days in a row.
The buccal capsule I got two days ago looks like it's getting smaller and smaller.
Actually it's not hurt so much.
I've felt relieved and I hope it will disappear as soon as possible.
It's greatly sunny again and I feel it's crisp just like one of my favorite May days.
Anyway I really want to resume push-ups, but I can't since still there is a little pain
and some dindle in my right elbow and index finger.
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