kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2013年05月31日 11時38分06秒 | 日記
Walking: 50 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :3+3 minutes

Two years and 174 days in a row have passed since I quit smoking.
I can understand why Aichi Prefecture is one of the worst areas in the number of death
toll of traffic accidents.
Today again, while riding a bike on my way to the work place, I saw a crazy driver
driving a car straight ahead with its blinker on.
One is enough, and one is too many.
I'll really have to be careful not to become caught in an accident.
I have to say again that every single car driver is absolutely evil in principle.
Since they are protected by steel plates, they CAN be indifferent to the safety of others.
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