kuringo's Blog



2016年10月08日 18時26分05秒 | 日記


unflattering :へつらわない、実物より良く見せない
thrift shop :リサイクルショップ、中古品店、古道具屋、古物商
Come off it. :〈話〉やめろ。/よせ。/いいかげんにしろ。まさか。/冗談だろ。
have a chance of :~の可能性がある、~になるかもしれない
another helping/ second helping/ seconds :〔飲食物の〕お代わり
reassurance :安心、安心させること、元気づけ、元気づけの言葉、再保証、再確認、再保険、(新たな)自信
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Daily Routine

2016年10月08日 12時47分19秒 | 日記
Push-ups:18+5 times
Walking :a total of 110 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I have succeeded in preventing myself from smoking for five years and 304 days in a row.
I was able to keep at least 16 time push-ups for the seventh straight day
including the most recent five days of 18 times of them.

It's quite cloudy and I won't be surprised if itstarts raining now.
The skyies are getting darker and darker....
I'm sure the weather is going to take a turn for the worse, I'm afraid.
I have to say this year's autumn is like a rainy season.
There are more cloudy and rainy days and fewer sunny days than usual in Nagoya.
Anyway, at least, the day of Nagoya Matsuri on October 16th should be sunny....please.
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