(3) About 1,000 years ago, a vending machine that sold pencils was developed in China. Later, in the 1700s, coin-operated tobacco boxes appeared in English bars. When people wanted the product sold by one of these boxes, they inserted a coin and turned a lever. The product then dropped down for the customer to pick up. However, it was not until the 1880s that vending machines spread around the world. In 1883, an English inventor created one that sold postcards and paper. This became popular, and soon vending machines selling paper, stamps, and other goods appeared in many countries. In 1904, vending machines came into service in Japan. In 1926, technology had advanced and machines could be set to sell products with different prices. After that, a wider variety of products were sold. When this happened, the vending machine industry expanded rapidly.
A 次の問い(問1~5)の [ 46 ]~[ 50 ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。
問2 According to paragraph (3), which of the following statements about vending machines is true? [ 47 ]
① An English inventor’s vending machine sold goods at various prices.
② Sales by vending machines increased when high value coins appeared.
③ Vending machine technology was found in Asia many centuries ago.
④ Vending machines were common in the world by the 18th century.
3.1 About 1,000 years ago, a vending machine that sold pencils was developed in China.
3.2 Later, in the 1700s, coin-operated tobacco boxes appeared in English bars.
3.3 When people wanted the product sold by one of these boxes, they inserted a coin and turned a lever.
3.4 The product then dropped down for the customer to pick up.
3.5 However, it was not until the 1880s that vending machines spread around the world.
3.6 In 1883, an English inventor created one that sold postcards and paper.
3.7 This became popular, and soon vending machines selling paper, stamps, and other goods appeared in many countries.
3.8 In 1904, vending machines came into service in Japan.
3.9 In 1926, technology had advanced and machines could be set to sell products with different prices.
3.10 After that, a wider variety of products were sold.
3.11 When this happened, the vending machine industry expanded rapidly.
問2 According to paragraph (3), which of the following statements about vending machines is true? [ 47 ] (第3パラグラフの言ふところによれば、以下の自動販賣機について述べたもののうちでどれが正しいか)
① An English inventor’s vending machine sold goods at various prices. (イギリス人の發明家の自動販賣機はさまざまな價格で(/の)品物を販賣した ※ 3.6の記述と3.9の記述を合せて誤つた選擇肢を作つてゐます)
② Sales by vending machines increased when high value coins appeared. (自動販賣機による販賣は高額硬貨が出現すると増大した ※ 本文に無い内容の選擇肢です)
③ Vending machine technology was found in Asia many centuries ago. (自動販賣機の技術は何世紀も前にアジアで見出された ※ 3.1と矛盾しない内容と考へられ、他の選擇肢と比べるとこれが殘ります。many centuries ago はうまく和譯できません)
④ Vending machines were common in the world by the 18th century. (自動販賣機は18世紀までには世界に行き渡つてゐた ※ 3.5~の記述によると19世紀から20世紀にかけて世界に廣まつたことがわかります)
3.2 1700s: 讀みは ‘seventeen-hundreds’ など。
3.2 coin-operated~: 「硬貨で動かされる(/硬貨で作動する)~」二語をハイフンでつないだ造語で、形容詞のはたらきをしてゐます。
3.3 the product sold~: 「~によつて販賣される製品(煙草)」。sold~は過去分詞の句で、the product の説明として後置されてゐます
3.5 1880s: 讀みは ‘eighteen-eighties’ 。
3.5 it was not until ~the 1880s that…: not と until/till を併用して「~になつて初めて…」「~になつてやつと」といつた意味を傳へます。
この文體については 「英文讀解のヒント(72)」(2017年4月26日付) で扱ひましたので、その例文の一部を再掲します。。
■諳誦例文: 3.5と同じ強調構文のかたちです。
h72 It wasn't until I went to work that I discovered how important school is.
□參考例文: 強調構文でない場合です。
h72.2 People do not know the value of health till they lose it.
□參考例文: 否定語句が前に出て「倒置(動詞・助動詞と主語の轉倒)」が起きるケースです。
h72.7 Not until many years later did the whole truth become known.
h72.3 I didn't graduate from university until I was twenty-five.
h72.4 Not until I was twenty-five did I graduate from university.
h72.5 It was not until I was twenty-five that I graduated from university.
3.6 one: 前出の名詞 vending machine の繰り返しを避けて使はれてゐます。
3.7 vending machines selling~: 「~を販賣する自動販賣機」。selling~は現在分詞の句で、vending machines の説明として後置されてゐます。
3.8 come into service: 「~の利用が開始される」
3.9 set~to-不定詞(…): 「~に…させる」 。ここは~部が機械ですから「~が…するやう設定する」と解してもいいかと思ひます。
3.1 およそ千年前に、鉛筆を販賣する自動販賣機が中國で開發された。
3.2 その後1700年代に、硬貨で作動する煙草の箱がイギリスの酒場に出現した。
3.3 これらの箱(のひとつ)で販賣される製品が欲しいときには、人々は硬貨を投入し、レバーを囘した。
3.4 するとその製品は下に落ちて來て、顧客はそれを手にとつた(/客が手にとるやう下に落ちて來た)。
3.5 しかしながら、自動販賣機が世界に廣まつたのはやうやう1880年代になつてからのことであつた。
3.6 1883年にイギリス人の發明家がはがきと便箋を販賣する自動販賣機を作り出した。
3.7 これが人氣を博し(/評判になり)、ほどなく便箋、切手やその他の品物を販賣する自動販賣機が多くの國に出現した。
3.8 1904年には日本で自動販賣機の利用が始まつた。
3.9 1926年には、科學技術が(すでに)進んでゐて、自動販賣機にさまざまな價格の製品を販賣させることが可能であつた。
3.10 その後さらに多樣な製品が販賣された。
3.11 かうしたことが起こると、自動販賣機産業は急速に擴大した(/發展した)。