


2012-10-12 21:42:20 | 


The tortoise in the right road will beat a racer in the wrong.It matters not,though a youth be slow,if he be but diligent.Quickness of parts may even prove a defect,inasmuch as the boy who learns readily will often forget as readily;and also because he finds no need of cultivating that quality of application and perseverance which the slower youth is compelled to exercise,and which proves so valuable an element in the formation of every character.Davy said,“What I am I have made myself;”and the same holds true universally.


To conclude:the best culture is not obtained from teachers when at school or college,so much as by our own diligent self-education when we have become men.Hence parents need not be in too great haste to see their chidren’s talents forced into bloom.Let them watch and wait patiently,letting good example and quiet training do their work,and leave the rest to Providence.Let them see to it that the youth is provided,by free exercise of his bodily powers,with a full stock of physical health;set him fairly on the road of self-culture;carefully train his habits of application and perseverance;and as he grows older,if the right stuff be in him,he will be enabled vigorously and effectively to cultivate himself.
