
東山三十六峰 月を賞で 雪を楽しみ 花に酔う

Haiku kozokotoshi

2022年12月25日 | Weblog
                              50years Takemusu-kai Logo

Fuzukue ni Kojiki himotoku kozokotoshi -Shûsui

On the bureau
I follow the sentences of Kojiki
between last year and this year

The Kojiki is Japan’s oldest historical record.
Kozokotoshi, meaning ‘last year and this year’, is a season word for the new year in a Haiku. When New Year’s Eve is over and New Year’s Day comes, yesterday is last year. The difference between last year and this year is only one day. The word, kozokotoshi, expresses the feelings of looking back on the old year and thinking about the new year.  (Translated by Akashi Kurihara)
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