

製造ライセンス契約について その2

2021-06-08 20:30:01 | 商事法務

LicensorからLicenseeに提供するものは、1) 特許のライセンス=実施権。2) 技術情報ですが、操業Manual、検査基準、メインテナンス作業手順書等。3) 技術支援、即ち技術者が技術提供先に行って操業支援するーこの3つが必要です。この3つが有機的に機能することにより、製品の製造技術が移転できるわけですね。更に、これに加えてこれら支援をしても、受入側の技能者がTrainingを受けマスターしないと身に付きませんので、Trainingの条項を入れることもありますが、受入側がマスターするかの保証はできないですね。


では、この3つの支援と、Licenseeからのお金の取り方とはどういった関係でしょうか?一番お金に換算しにくいのは2)の技術情報の提供ですね。マニュアル代は〇〇〇ドル。検査基準書は〇〇〇ドルという決め方もありますが、即ちノウハウ提供料を、相手から取ろうとしても、なかなか算定できるものではないです。従い、(1) 結局一式50万ドルとか「エイヤー」と決める方法か、あるいは(2) 特許の使用料(Lump-some 又はrunning royalties)に含めるかぐらいが実際的ではないでしょうか。


2. Grant of License
2.1 License Grants. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Licensor hereby grants Licensee for the Term a royalty-bearing non-transferable right under the Patent Rights to make, use, sell, offer to sell and lease the Products and use the Technical Information to be provided by Licensor for manufacturing the Products in the Territory.

2.2 Exclusivity. In order to establish an exclusive period for Licensee, Licensor agrees that it shall not grant any other license to make, use, sell, lease and import the Products in the Territory during the period of time commencing on the date hereof and extending to the end of the Term.

3.Technical Information
3.1 Without prejudice to the generality of Section 1 (c) , “Technical Information" shall include but is not limited to the following which shall be supplied to Licensee by Licensor to the best of Licensor’s knowledge and information.
(a) Information as to Materials
i) Material specification
ii) Names of materials’ suppliers
iii) Sources of supply know to Licensor

(b) Information as to the method of manufacturing and processing
i) Process Flow diagram
ii) Production standard

(c) Information as to tools and machines
i) Machine tools specifications
ii) Tooling specification and drawings
iii) Machines and tools setting procedures

(d) Information as to Inspection
i) Inspection standard specification for incoming materials, process as well as finished goods.
ii) Quality control chart
iii) Gauge drawings for measurement

(e ) Operation method and/or advice
i) Layout of production equipment
ii) Operation optimization of machines
iii) Cost reduction procedure
iv) Quality assurance program and procedure
iv) Preventive maintenance program

(f) Factory layout and/or advice
i) Overall factory and line design
ii) Environment control and waste management

Licensor shall furnish such Technical Information to Licensee in English to the best of Licensor’s abilities.


3.2 Licensor warrants that all Technical Information disclosed and rendered or to be disclose and rendered to Licensee under this Agreement is, or will be, to the best of Licensor’s knowledge and belief, accurate (provided always that Licensor will promptly correct any errors in the Technical Information subsequently discovered by Licensee).

In the event that Licensee suffers legal suits pertaining to the use of the said Technical Information, Licensor shall provide necessary support to Licensee in overcoming the said legal suits.

4.Technical Assistance and dispatch of Licensor’s Engineers
4.1 Technical Assistance
Licensor shall, at the request of Licensee, provide Licensee with the following Technical Assistance:

(1) With regard to planning of the Plant including total facilities for manufacture of the Products:
i) Preparation of basic plan of the Plant;
ii) Preparation of layout drawing of the Plant including a list of Machinery and Equipment in relation to the site of the Plant, as well as consultations aimed at the correct technical administration of the functional design, construction and facilities of the Plant;
iii) Planning of supply network for gas, electric power, water, air, etc.;
iv) Counseling to the Licensee's constructor involved in the Plant and construction of the Plant.

(2) With regard to the Machinery and Equipment:
i) Advice on Licensee's procurement of the Machinery and Equipment from suppliers;
ii) Supply useful Technical Information on the Machinery and Equipment.

(3) With regard to the starting and initial operation of the Plant:
i) Consultation and advice for installing the Machinery and Equipment in the Plant up to such time when production of the Products reaches "at running level";
ii) Counseling by Licensor's engineers for the determination of parameters that will control the efficient operation of the Machinery and Equipment in the Plant;
iii) Supervision by Licensor's engineers for such directions and explanations as may be necessary for smooth operation of the Machinery and Equipment;
iv) Other useful advice on or about the operational optimization of machines, cost reduction procedure, inspection of the Products and environmental control and waste treatment if any and requested by Licensee.

4.2 Dispatch of Licensor’s Engineer
Upon request of Licensee, unless otherwise agreed, Licensor shall agree to dispatch Licensor-nominated engineers (including such engineers of its subsidiary) to provide Licensee with the Technical Assistance mentioned in 4.1 above, at such mutually agreeable time arranged in advance and for such reasonable duration which will not unduly interfere with the normal operation of Licensor:
(1) To dispatch appropriate number of engineers to provide Technical Assistance for the purpose of investigation of the Plant site, making basic plan and layout drawing of the Plant, installing and commissioning the Machinery and Equipment and other assistance mentioned in 4.1 above and furthermore relating to the production of the Products;

(2) The number of engineers dispatched by Licensor to Licensee’s Plant shall be mutually agreed upon;

(3) The engineers dispatched by Licensor to Licensee’s Plant shall have enough expertise and capability of performing their tasks efficiently;

(4) The period of stay for engineers dispatched by Licensor to Licensee’s Plant shall be in principle no more than fourteen (14) working days per visit;

(5) The period of stay for engineers shall mean the time from when the engineer leaves Japan to the time that such engineer returns to Japan, excluding any private holidays taken during the course of such engineer’s voyage;

(6) The working hours for Licensor’s engineers dispatched to Licensee will be in principle to follow Licensee’s normal working hours for day-shift operation, but will not exceed forty (40) hours per week excluding lunch breaks.


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