50歳で始めた海外ひとり旅 と 自費出版


Terrible day at the Halifax airport

2007年10月30日 23時18分41秒 | プリンス・エドワード島
On Sep 2nd ,It was so terrible day for me
at Halifax airport.
I left the La Gardian airport,then I arrived
the Halifax airport at 3 p.m.
But this airport's authorities were so bad.
I was so angry with them.
Because the immigration checks were
terrible slowly and tough for me.
They said to me "Why did you come here?
Are you business man? Do you have any
friends here? Where are you going to ?"
I checked three times.
Each officer asked same questions for me .
and my luggage was opened for checking.
So I was late for boarding time to Charlottetown.
I was very shocked it.
when I had checked security It was 16:20.
There was no time to get the airplane.
I ran so fast as soon as I could.

A cargo carrier that rode a man appeared me.
He said "Are you ****(my name) ?" I said "yes".
He said "The plane to charlottetown left just now."
He pointed over the window at lobby.
I saw the plane just took off.
"Oh! No!!!" I said. He said "We announced you
many times. But you did not come."
I said "The immgration check was so bad!
There were a long lines and spent long time.
So,I was late." and the airport officer said
"We cann't gurantiee your trip."
I said "Yes,that right. but ..... "
And then at security check gate ,
I said to a officer who was a young weman.
"It was no time to boarding.I'm to be late now.
please help me."
But she said "It's on time ,OK. You'd better
at this line."
She didn't help me.

So, the man who was Air CANADA counter's staff.
He said "We have last flight to Charllottetown.
Wait here.I'll be back soon." I said "OK!"
After 15 minuts He came back and operated
keyboard. then he gave me a new boarding ticket.
I thought "It's so lucky!! ". That was last
flight to Charllotetown. It was no pay.
Then I called B&B in Charlootetown with
public telephone.
I said "I was late .Because I couldn't get
a flight. So Iget a new ticket.I'll arrive at
19:45." B&B's staff said "It's OK. Would you
come here by TAXI?" "Yes" I said .
she said "Ok ,Thanks your calling,see you soon."

After that I got a coffee and a mafine.
They were only $2(CANADA Dollar).It was
reasonable price cheper than at N.Y's.


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