kuringo's Blog



2015年07月21日 17時45分40秒 | 日記


track record :〔より厳密な過去の記録がある〕実績、成績、業績、履歴
as such :そのようなものとして、それ自体は◆【用法】語句がその状態・条件にぴったり当て
defer :〔実行・決定などをぐずぐずと〕引き延ばす
live up to one's commitment :公約を果たす
on trust :信用して
centrifuge :遠心分離機
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Daily Routine

2015年07月21日 12時46分48秒 | 日記
Push-ups:0 times
Walking:a total of 24 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

Four years and 225 days in a row have passed since I broke my smoking habit.
Because of the severe pain in my low back, I've been able to do push-ups or
standing on one foot.
The pain is too severe.....I sometimes feel the pain while riding a bike
on my way to the workplace and sometimes ever while sitting on the toilet,
especially when wiping toilet paper....This is not a joke.
Anyway, I may have to see a doctor if the pain further worsens.
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2015年07月20日 15時56分26秒 | 日記


in arrears :〔負債が〕未払いで、滞納して、延滞して、滞って、未納で
far-reaching :〔影響や効果などが〕広範囲に及ぶ、遠くまで伝わる、〔計画などが〕遠大な、将来にわたる
forswear :偽誓する
transgression :〔宗教・道徳上の〕罪、違反、逸脱、破戒、犯罪
snap back :急に元へ戻る、急速に元の状態に回復する
along the margins of :~の縁に沿って
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Daily Routine

2015年07月20日 12時49分03秒 | 日記
Push-ups:0 times
Walking:0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for four years and 224 days in a row.
I've stopped doing push-ups because of the pain in my low back.
It's a severely pain....I really regret that I hadn't done walking for eight
days and physical exercises to strengthen waist muscle such as squat.
I've been really made to realize that I'm not young and I have to prepare for
my low back pain every day.
Anyway, the pain is really sharp sometimes.....
I hope it'll have gone as soon as possible.
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2015年07月19日 18時55分40秒 | 日記


conference call :電話会議、会議[三者]通話
mull :〈米話〉じっくり考える、検討する、思案する、熟考する、頭を絞る、討議する
market access :市場参入
petrol bomb :石油爆弾
baton charge :警棒での攻撃、機動隊の攻撃、警察の手入れ
liquidity :《金融》〔資金の〕流動性、換金性、流通性
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Daily Routine

2015年07月19日 12時38分05秒 | 日記
Push-ups:26 times
Walking:0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

It has been four years and 223 days in a row since I kicked smoking.
I was able to keep 26-time push-ups for the nineteenth successive day and
over 19-time push-ups for the fifty-eighth straight day.
Very unluckily, I got a low back pain yesterday for the first time in a
long time, so I've decided to stop doing any physical exercises for some time.
I think the cause of the pain may be the lack of walking for the past over one week.
Anyway, I really have to renew my determination to do walking after the pain.
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2015年07月18日 16時46分57秒 | 日記


counterproposal :反対提案
craft :〔細心の注意を払って〕~を巧妙に作り上げる◆【用法】この用法を認めない人もいる。
in place :所定の[あるべき・決まった]位置[場所]に、実施されて
academic :大学の教師[教師・研究者]、学識経験者
final say :最終決定権
override :~より優位に立つ、~に優先する、~を無効にする、~を覆す
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Daily Routine

2015年07月18日 12時07分29秒 | 日記
Push-ups:26 times
Walking:0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

Four years and 222 days in a row have passed since I stopped smoking.
I was able to keep over 19-time push-ups for the fifty-seventh consecutive day
including the most recent eighteen days of 26 times.
After the rain by the typhoon #11, it's quite cloudy in Nagoya and humid.
I noticed cicadas began buzzing a few days ago, and now their droning is getting
louder and louder.
This year's period of shrilling of cicadas has just begun, which indicates the
end of the rain season and the beginning of the scorching heat.
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Daily Routine

2015年07月17日 13時05分10秒 | 日記
Push-ups:26 times
Walking:0 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for four years and 221 days in a row.
I managed to keep 26-time push-ups for the seventeenth successive day and over
19-time push-ups for the fifty-sixth straight day.
It's been raining more heavily than yesterday and actually it's so windy that
I felt it a little hard to ride a bike on my way to the workplace.
The typhoon #11 is now going up through the Chugoku region toward the Sea of Japan.
I really hope it will have gone very soon.
Well, after the typhoon, the declaration of the end of the rainy season may be made.
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2015年07月16日 17時29分55秒 | 日記

                THE AGE:

extant :現存している、現存の、実在の、今なお失われずに残っている
cynical :〔人や態度などが〕ひねくれた、相手を小ばかにした
retiree :@リタイ(ア)リー:〈米〉退職者
emerging technology :新たな技術
carbon capture :炭素捕捉
wind farm :風力発電地帯[所]、ウィンド・ファーム◆風力発電を行う風力タービンが
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