kuringo's Blog



2015年11月07日 17時58分23秒 | 日記


fair-weather friend :まさかのときに当てにできない友、いい[順境の]時にしか寄って来ない友達
detach :~を分離する、引き離す、切り取る、取り外す、~と距離を置く◆【反】attach
There is no way around ~ :~はどうすることもできない。
histrionic :芝居がかった[じみた]、気取った、わざとらしい
forthright :真っすぐの、率直な、ずばりと言う、歯に衣を着せない
haul out a stump :切り株を引き抜く
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Daily Routine

2015年11月07日 12時28分40秒 | 日記
Push-ups:22 times
Walking:0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

It has been four years and 334 days in a row since I got rid of my smoking habit.
I was able to keep more than 19-time push-ups for the thirteenth successive day
including the most recent three days of 22 times.

It's quite cloudy and rather humid in Nagoya today.
Maybe because of the high humidity, I feel even a little muggy.
Anyway I feel it's much warmer for November than usual except only one
winter-like day last week.
But weather forecasters say it will be much colder after the predicted rain,
especially from next Wednesday.
I'll really have to get mentally prepared for it.
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