kuringo's Blog



2015年11月02日 15時43分02秒 | 日記


qualification :資格、免許状、技能、資格証明(書)、資格認定[付与]、免許
employability :雇用可能性、雇用され得る能力、雇用適性◆企業や組織に就職したり転職したりできる能力
career choice :職業選択
ups and downs :浮き沈み、栄枯盛衰
go a long way :大いに[とても・非常に]役立つ[効果がある]、大きな役割を果たす
tribune :人権の擁護者、民権擁護者、軍団司令官
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Daily Routine

2015年11月02日 12時32分15秒 | 日記
Push-ups:21 times
Walking:40+40 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for four years and 329 days in a row.
I also was able to keep over 19-time push-ups for the eighth consecutive day
including the most recent two days of 21 times.

It's been raining since early this morning and it's actually a chill rain
and I had to take a bus to come to my workplace.
I have to find a way to come here by bike even during the cold season
in order to save transportation costs.
Now I'm considering I should try a kind of hadle cover for a bike.
I'm sure the only reason why I cannot ride a bike during the winter season
is that my hands get severely cold while riding.
If I can solve this problem, then, I will not have to take a bus.
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