kuringo's Blog



2013年11月18日 14時26分06秒 | 日記


pay tribute to :(死を)哀悼する
slain :slayの過去分詞、殺された、殺害された、虐殺された
recipient :受賞者
Presidential Medal of Freedom :〈米〉自由勲章
traumatic event :忘れられない[衝撃的な]出来事
conspiracy theory :陰謀説
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Daily Routine

2013年11月18日 12時14分26秒 | 日記
Push-ups:17 times
Walking: a total of 50 minutes
Standing with one leg :0 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I could keep no-smoking for two years and 345 days in a row.
I decreased the number of push-ups to one set of 17-time push-ups but kept over
one set of them for the thirty consective day.
It's sunny and I feel a little warmer than yesterday.
Weather forecasts say the highest temperature will not reach 20 degrees this week,
and I think it will never come until next spring....maybe.
Anyway wintery cold is steadily coming little by litte and this means
the season of cherry blossoms is also coming little by little.
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